It has been confirmed Shooting Bigfoot will be at Tribeca Film Fest
SHOOTING BIGFOOT (aka OF MONSTERS AND MEN) (2011 TFI/Insurgent Fellowship) Morgan Matthews, Director
Of Monsters and Men is a fascinating and touching portrait of men who are obsessed with monsters and their adventures to find them.
I believe Rick has a body. Is it real or is it fake that is the question to be answered. Musky Allen saw a body but that is all we are allowed to know. The truth lies with the details. So I will wait patiently for the final curtain of this on going drama to conclude.
Musky Allen? Who can believe anyone with a name like that? Might as well b.."I was conceived through incest...Allen". I said it once n I'll say it again...if Rick Dyer killed a Sasquatch, there is no God and I'm converting to atheism. If he did- n that's a big fuckin if (so big as to permanently blot out the sun killing all life anyway),the manner in which he did it, shows what a spineless cowardly bottom-feeding redneck he really is. Fuck him n the navigator he rode in on.
i thought it was changed to "Shooting Bigfoot" ?
now will everyone SHUT UP~!
nevermind it says it on the website.
Outstanding! PINK!
That link says the film received funding in 2011. Where's the link that says it will be shown at Tribeca in 2013?
All I can say is Holy &^%! Does this mean that Rich Dyer shot and killed a bigfoot or is Minnow Films in on the "supposed" Hoax? What do you think?
I believe Rick has a body. Is it real or is it fake that is the question to be answered. Musky Allen saw a body but that is all we are allowed to know. The truth lies with the details. So I will wait patiently for the final curtain of this on going drama to conclude.
This is a cool story
Musky Allen? Who can believe anyone with a name like that? Might as well b.."I was conceived through incest...Allen". I said it once n I'll say it again...if Rick Dyer killed a Sasquatch, there is no God and I'm converting to atheism. If he did- n that's a big fuckin if (so big as to permanently blot out the sun killing all life anyway),the manner in which he did it, shows what a spineless cowardly bottom-feeding redneck he really is. Fuck him n the navigator he rode in on.
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