Steven Streufert - Regarding the disgusting comments seen daily on BIGFOOT EVIDENCE blog, I say this to the site owner, who is a friend of mine:
This has to change, and really it is for your own good if you change it. Soon no one will read or respect your blog if it does not. I know you are a good person, Shawn, so do the right thing. Do it now. Step up to the plate and take a stand for human decency, truth, and the promotion of sensible discourse about Bigfoot. Moderate the comments. Ban the trolls.
Here is something that was posted on the Team Tazer page, and then mysteriously deleted.....
" Scott Mckee posted in Team Tazer Bigfoot Fan Page Scott Mckee 6:37am Feb 10 ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! I have entitled this post ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ,purely because i have just been on the Bigfoot Evidence blog of Shawn's and tried to read a few posts and articles.What i have just read goes above and beyond what is classed as a joke and i'm all for a good joke or two!!. It's got to the point where i can't be bothered even going on there anymore!! Every article is bombarded by trolls,you cannot have a decent discussion or even a joke. Gradually over the last few months the rot has set in to the point where i feel i have to say something,wether or not Shawn or other people on here like it or not. I have the utmost respect for Shawn and love the site,it's the best on the net,or rather,it was!! I have just read the article on Steve Kulls and Musky Allen and not one post on the thread engaged in the subject...i am taking this as an example of how things have got. To be honest i was and am disgusted. Basically every post was a total insult to Steven Steurfoot and the language used to and about Lisa Rantala was nothing short of degenerate. You will have to see for yourselves what has been written and any decent minded person would come to the same conclusion as me...I hope!! I am not one to have a moan,specially on here,but seeing as many of us use the site and enjoy the up to date articles,that really are second to none,then i hope Shawn reads this and decides to do something about it before it's too late. I don't think the site will ever be taken down,and it definitely shouldn't be,but i feel that before long things will get so bad that people will stop using it and definitely stop posting on it. Basically the trolls have taken over and it is at the point where every other post is abusive,insulting,negative and to be honest from what i have lately some posts are nothing short of racist. These people do not use the site for info or discussion,they go there just to cause trouble,insult people and generally be abusive and more to the point,most aren't even interested in the subject. This is basically making a mockery of every decent person that is interested that goes on there and wants to share info,learn more and above all,enjoy it and have fun. I may be a bit old fasioned but women and more importantly children use the site,none of which should have to put up with the abuse and filth that is being posted. There are people from all over the globe,you,me,scientists, researchers and everyone in between that must be reading these posts and shaking their heads in disbelief and dare i say anger. These cowards hide behind anonymous avatars and will not post their real names or even aliases. They are dragging what is the best site on the net into the gutter and doing no end of damage!! I have tried contacting the site but you only get a few words to say what you need to. I have wrote this piece on here because of that. I didn't want to post this on here but to be honest i care about the site and care about how it is being damaged and controlled by idiots,it is getting to the point where 80% of the posts are abusive and insulting,even discriminatory and have sod all to do with Bigfoot,i am also not bothered about who is "FIRST" lol. No doubt i will get a bit of flack for posting this but i stand by what i am saying and in the end have yourselves and the site at heart. I hope Shawn and whoever else needs to ,reads this post and does something about it before people start leaving and going elsewhere. I'm all for a good laugh and hate having a rant,but feel i have to say something,wether or not people agree is up to them,but at least i have got my point across and hopefully something can be done. I have lived and worked on construction sites all over Europe,with some of the roughest and toughest people you could meet and if anyone used language like i have just read on that thread to another person they'd be knocked on their arse,plus resorting to calling a lady in that manner wouldn't be tolerated. In short,get it sorted Shawn,fire the trolls off into oblivion and give everyone else the site we deserve and above all the site which it can be!! Everyone deserves an opinion,but i draw the line at people having insults thrown at them to do with cancer,private parts and everthing else in between. People cannot now post without being insulted or having their character asaulted. Hopefully things will be sorted....End of rant!! lol."
Steven Streufert - Shawn has deleted the imposter, using my name, as well as the slanderous posts. Of course, that won't stop the new ones coming.Shawn, these things HURT your site, turn off readership, and surely diminish your income. Think about it. Web hits are not everything.The real sad part of it is how these comments reveal the truly dark and sick truth about the world of Bigfooting. These are not all twelve year old trolls. Many are "researchers."
Here is something else you should know -
Steven Streufert
Here is the IP address of the ass-munching troll who keeps posting about me on BIGFOOT EVIDENCE. Shawn just banned him/her. Anyone know what you can do further with this information?
From Shawn:
"i found his ip
i'm checking him out right now. he just posted.
here you go: http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/
Tulare California.
I'll see if I can block his IP. If possible."
Steven Streufert - Shawn seems to think it is RICK DYER.
Steven Streufert
Here is the IP address of the ass-munching troll who keeps posting about me on BIGFOOT EVIDENCE. Shawn just banned him/her. Anyone know what you can do further with this information?
From Shawn:
"i found his ip
i'm checking him out right now. he just posted.
here you go: http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/
Tulare California.
I'll see if I can block his IP. If possible."
Steven Streufert - Shawn seems to think it is RICK DYER.
I agree you can't get past the stupid on that site . The foul should be banned. Mikeconley74@yahoo.com
I would to confess, I have fallen in with the idiots over at Shawn's blog. I have written some FILTHY things. (not about Lisa!) however my comments were never pulled, no matter how raunchy... BUT I have had multiple comments pulled in the matter of minutes because I linked THIS VERY SITE! so I can only surmise that Shawn was fearful his army of crude minded goons (me included) would leave in droves and leave him without the all important "hits'. Pretty telling, don't moderate a sexual threat (poor Lisa) but yank a comment about a competitor in minutes. I think Shawn's blog has really went down hill, it used to be a place of honest discussion, investigation, and open mindedness. Sadly now it is a money cow for Shawn and dollars matter.
Still love ya Rick, you damn maniac!
shawn evidence has downs syndrome! fact!
It sounds like the guy is just angry because he's never been first
wow did steve take retard pills and forget spelling and grammer like you Rick?If you hate shawn so much why did you totally rip his site off,maybe deep down you love him.
Shawn's blog is a cesspool. And he plagiarizes material from other people's sites under the guise of "commentary." Unfortunately, until people STOP going there, it won't go away.
I visit the blog every few days to see what's new and interesting as far as valid bigfoot stories or videos. I probably actually look at half of the stories and skip all the ones about Finding Bigfoot, someone's rant, someone's parody, etc. But I stopped looking at the comments a long time ago.
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