Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hoaxes, Hoaxers ,Steve Kulls, Investigator and Facts

   **** Special Note****
After doing due diligence involving Mr. Dyer’s arrest record, we have determined that he was NOT convicted of any crime whatsoever, in relation to charges stemming from Arkansas, Texas or Florida. In all cases these charges were dropped, so we have in fairness removed posts of those allegations and recommend that all blogs move on and remove those topics as well.
We have also discovered that Mr. Dyer also completed his service with an Honorable Discharge from the United States Army. In that respect we thank him for his service.
In fairness it may have been a little  serendipitous of us, after all we are in America, were all information may not be complete on the web and where we believe in innocence until proven guilty in regards to criminal matters.

Till Next Time,



Anonymous said...

I don't agree with this but he did start it!

Anonymous said...

According to #9, all women are sociopaths....

Anonymous said...

(is Kulls a woman?)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He may be!

Anonymous said...

some has lots of time on their hand nowadays

Anonymous said...

so when is this tent bigfoot hoax going to be exposed?

Anonymous said...

Love it Rick

Anonymous said...

Ricky, I agree with you about Kulls. Definitely a hoaxing bullshitter, just like you.

The larger point is that your blog posts are unintelligible. Either read that shit aloud to yourself before posting or hire someone to help you run a fucking spell and grammar check.

Anonymous said...

Rick I understand it, So fucking what the grammar isn't great. I get it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my God Rick is ddddd dddddd ddddd dddumbbb.

Please do YOURSELF a favor and ask the fifth grader next door to proof read and edit your shit!

You are possibly right about a lot of stuff in your little rant, but it is so very poorly written that it doesn't matter what is or isn't accurate, it just looks like a fourteen old crybaby is ranting about the neighbor kid who got a Nintendo for Christmas.

You are right in the part about being a rent a cop don't make you a detective (doesn't), just like having your own blog don't make you intelligent (doesn't).

I seriously hope for part two of this little witch hunt post, you have someone proof read it before you post it. I'm embarrassed for you, seriously!!

Anonymous said...

Great post and insight on that man! I have had similar experience with him and he is a sociopath that believes he is always right and in turn belittles you without proof or rational reason. No one should trust this guys investigative nonsense, he has no clue of what is real or not real! PINK

Bigfoot Evidence News said...

u r so funny and typical ignorant, I guess u don't have anything to say other than "learn to spell". if you have a brain read:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

Bigfoot Evidence News said...

u r so funny and typical ignorant, I guess u don't have anything to say other than "learn to spell". if you have a brain read:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

Bigfoot Evidence News said...


people are dumb said...

Wow you should listen to yourself you come on the mans blog and rant about grammar? Did you really have nothing better to say and just wanna be heard? Did you run upstairs from your basement and yell look look mommy look i really stuck it to rick dyer on his blog i said mean things about his grammar im a big boy... seriously some of you dudes are for real fucktards with nothing better to do than talk trash about absolutely nothing at all. Dont worry maybe some day you might make a friend and he can help explain to you what a vagina feels like

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Me to Kulls will lie on you just to make a person look bad. He did the same to me last year.

Anonymous said...

Well at least we now know that Rick Dyer is not a sociopath because #'s 1,6,&8 do not apply to him.

Oh wait, do you have to get all ten, oh shit maybe he is a sociopath, because the other seven seem very much tits on.

Anonymous said...

Rick, its not that there are some spelling and gramattical errors, I mean there are and it looks really bad, but it speaks volumes about the language you supposedly use, and the man you are trying to tell the world you are.

Don't means do not, it's short for do not. When in doubt say it out loud as do not instead of don't. If it do not sound right, then you should probably use "does not" instead of "don't"

Do that make sense to you? Do that make you feel smarter? Doesn't is short for does not, you could use that too.

I feel better now

Anonymous said...

No one here is making you to look at it, Get a Life!

Anonymous said...

More shit and a *RED Herring* to buy time and blow smoke up your ass. Who gives a rats ass about Kulls??
Dyer has nothing but SHIT ON ICE! So we see this Dog and Pony show.

Anonymous said...

I predict 2013 to be the year a footer kills another footer.

Physcho scene with Dyer in the shower while Kulls dressed as a Bigfoot approaches with a camera.

Anonymous said...

The bigfoot tent hoax is just that....a Hoax. Believe me, I know Rick Dyer and he is a used car salesman. There was footage just released of a giant squid filmed in it's natural environment for the first time. It was all over the news this week. If they can release that footage, why is it impossible to get any of this supposed footage that would, for the most part, prove these stories true. They don't release it, because it's 100% bullshit. I have personal knowledge that Rick Dyer is setting this up to show how easily fooled people are when it comes to bigfoot. If people are buying this story that's from a guy who doesn't even believe in bigfoot and hoaxed everyone else before on national TV, and is on the record saying that bigfoot is fake, then it proves that bigfootery is just a ploy to make money. Refute that Rick...that is the 100% truth. Drop it, or I'll release more dirt on you.

Anonymous said...

Well thanks Bud for the insightful post, but I think us adults know this is all BS, but its fun at the same time. So lighten up and laugh once or twice in your life.

Anonymous said...

Blaa, blaa, blaa, don't you plp get tired of repeating yourselves with ancient history? Stop crying about the past and wake up to reality! It's about the money! It's always about the money! An international film company has enough ownership and control of the body and they will release it when they damn well please! Management is key to money! We all know if Dyer had full control, the body would have been visible months ago! 2013 - the year Rick Dyer becomes redeemed and rich! I am happy for you Rick! ~PINK

Anonymous said...

There is no body because there is no bigfoot.

Anonymous said...

He doesn't own that footage! The film company didn't release any footage yet. He released
everything he owned! Get your fact right.

Anonymous said...

Bla Bla Bla..lol

Anonymous said...

What? You are really buying this PMSL...Okay, Rick I take my hat off to you, well played.

Anonymous said...

If you believe Rick Dyer, you probably also voted for Obama.

Anonymous said...

but in your case ( another known hoaxer )who likes to point fingers , no one even cares about your so called report ...your track record speaks for its self..HOAXXXXX