Listening to Musky allen has all the Hallmarks of the Truth and if this is true Dyer has been vindicated.
http://www.thecryptocrew.com/ 2013/02/ dead-bigfoot-confirmed-by-skept ic.html
Alot of speculation going on about something that has not been proven to exist. What I'm reading is that you all are afraid of something that may be real. Why is that? Could it be you can't handle the truth? Better yet you don't want this mystery to come to an end. Sit down and take a deep breath and wait for the rest of the story.
Your right!
You got them shook rick team tazer realises its all about to be.over for them as well as all the other so called big shots of bigfootery. Closed down by the most hated man in the field by thats gotta suck especially for tool bags like matt moneynaker who.out 25 plus years in and came back with nothing. Hey if he would.have put more focus.in actually finding bigfoot rather than making a tv show he may have gotten one. But sadly your discovery rick may add to there tv ratings for shows like monster quest and finding bigfoot they will all ride your coat tail
Musky been busted in his comment about e mails to Meldrum. He requested that Meldrum come out to Vegas and view the body. Meldrum just responded that he has NO SUCH EMAILS and challenged Musky to produce them. Musky just blew ALL his credibility!
One momment please. Who gave permission for Musky Allen to invite anyone to view the body. Show us the proof that Musky did this or go away.
If you believe, then believe and wait for more information. If you don't believe, then go find the evidence you need. If you have no interest in evidence, then go find another place on the internet to bitch and whine about what you are reading. If you don't know how to go someplace else to bitch and whine, then think about unplugging your computer. If you can't unplug your computer, then you might need to give some serious thought to what you are really doing.
The bigfoot community is great about analyzing details. That's great. But, please, learn to not jump on, and ride someones supposition about details that neither of you know facts about.
You don't know if he was up hill from the BF when he shot or what. He may have not been in the tent, but instead, baited the area, and when off in the woods to hide so that he could "get to safety" if the shot missed or if he needed to move for some other reason. It doesn't matter what he said about the shot, what matters is what happens in the future, regarding the release of the body and other details of exposure to the public.
Either go get your own evidence, or just sit back and wait.
The community, overall, does nobody any good by promoting any events visibility with rabid bickering. Since there is not one scientifically moderated outlet for BF sitings, discoveries etc., you are stuck with hoaxes, lies and deceit. That's life. Ignore what you can't believe, and just stop making the search and activity results point at things you disbelieve by extending the conversation into rabid bickering.
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