Looks like the Sierra kills Beef steak DNA sample came back as BLACK BEAR from a renowned Forensic Lab, Bart and the Team Tazer morons are eating crow, LMAO!
Reports say that Justin sold his fake bigfoot Steak for $10,000 if this is true whomever bought this
is a super idiot ! We told you months ago that it was bear with human blood!
Who was in the hoax?
Justin Smeja
Sanh Evidence
Micheal Merchant
Team Tazer
Bart Cutino (bart is unconfirmed)
Steve Kulls is a supporter of the Sierra Kills Hoax! It makes you wonder why he never spoke
out on this . It was so easy for me to bust over and over! Was he involved?
Ro the film maker is going crazy about now, The hoax is out before the film is out!!
LMFAO!!! Damage Control!!!
Below was taken from one of the Hoaxers Site!!!!!! Hoax BUSTED again and again!
On October 8, 2010, Justin Smeja and a friend claim to have encountered three
animals with characteristics that match typical eyewitness descriptions of
Bigfoots or Sasquatch. Smeja claims to have shot two of the three subjects.
Numerous lines of reasoning and corroborating evidence have caused me to believe
him (http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.ca/2012/08/tyler-huggins-why-i-believed-justin.html).
Smeja claims to have left the site with neither a body nor physical evidence of
what he had shot, but a few weeks later he was compelled to return to the site
in an effort to retrieve evidence of his claims. The landscape of the site had
changed appreciably due to abundant snowfall and change of season, but at the
location where they felt one of the animals had expired, Smeja and friend
recovered a substantial amount of tissue with hair attached. They were very
confident that characteristics of the recovered hide scrap matched the animal
that Smeja shot. Smeja then submitted some of this tissue to Dr. Melba Ketchum
through Derek Randles, and in a separate undertaking, provided samples to me
(Tyler Huggins) and then to Bart Cutino.[1]
April of 2012, I contracted one of Canada’s most respected forensic DNA labs at
Trent University to determine the samples’ species of origin.[2]
Director Dr. Bradley White (Canada Research Chair in Genetics), who has
authored papers related to both human and non-human mammalian genomes, became
personally involved in the efforts to genetically identify the tissue, and was
very indulgent of my questions and challenges to his lab’s work. My hope was
for the results to indicate that the tissue came from an uncatalogued primate
(including potential hominids). In November 2012, after a prolonged effort and
after withstanding my many challenges to their conclusions (as well as
challenges from many other concerned parties, including Justin Smeja), Trent
University provided me with their final report. (Between these two dates, there
are volumes of data and dialogue which we are attempting to make available for
public consideration). Bart Cutino’s American lab has now corroborated Trent
University’s results, and we are finally ready to make a statement regarding the
Bart Cutino's Statement:
From the beginning,
our objective and responsibility to the public, fellow researchers, the
hunter/submitters and frankly, ourselves, was to independently contract multiple
labs to screen the Sierras tissue sample as a precautionary measure and
hopefully rule out “all” potential North American mammalian candidate
contributors. What precipitated a sense of urgency in us independently vetting
this sample was largely due to a private exchange about a year ago between
Justin Smeja and Dr. Melba Ketchum (overheard by multiple persons), resulting in
an immediate distrust of Dr. Ketchum from Justin's standpoint. In addition to
our concerns from that event, we decided to document this process with the
intention of providing full transparency to set an example for other amateur
researchers and provide them a roadmap to navigate and expedite the diagnostic
process when working with labs they contract in the future. Those who take the
time to read the email communications we'll be providing in the coming weeks,
will see a very sophisticated and often frustrating process, as it unfolded.
Initially our plan was to receive final determinations on both the
circumstantial (tissue) and non-circumstantial (boots) evidence of the Sierras
shooting event before sharing anything publicly; however, due to the nature of
the current findings on this tissue, as well as the length of time this first
phase took, we all agreed (myself, Tyler and Justin) it was imperative to
immediately disclose this information to the public before testing of the boots
is even initiated.
It’s important to note as well, that it’s not our job
as amateur researchers to provide in-depth interpretations of the final
determinations put forth by both lab directors as we appropriately defer to
their expertise and accept their findings, which appear very clear and
definitive. From a personal standpoint, to state there’s some disappointment on
our end (Tyler and myself) with respect to the final lab determinations is an
understatement, especially when you consider some of the initial and periodic,
intriguing “difficulties” (if you will) encountered and documented by Trent
University in their thorough examinations of the tissue over the course of many
months. However, when you consider the timing (tissue found almost a full 5
weeks after purported shooting), the odd exchange with Dr. Ketchum reported to
us by Justin, coupled with the recognition state of the tissue when collected
and even, admitted uncertainty of origin by the hunters/submitters themselves
(who never claimed the tissue was from the subject shot, just that they
suspected it was), we had very tempered and realistic expectations going in and
that is reflected in both our communications internally as well as my public
statements of caution throughout the last year with respect to the bigfoot
community. It’s also important to remember as well that the hunters were unable
to confirm, that the larger subject shot (which they suspected was a likely
tissue match) was actually deceased as the last contact was about a minute after
shooting impact when they heard a subsequent large, powerful “crash” uphill
(60-70 yards estimated from location of purported tissue find 5 weeks later) in
dense secondary growth.
Unfortunately, due to definitive evidential
claims with respect to this tissue sample made by other parties without visible
substantiation, the “circumstantial” aspect of this particular piece of evidence
has unfortunately been lost on many persons following this claimed shooting
event. The only “non-circumstantial” evidence collected from this event to
potentially corroborate it as described by those involved, are the boots worn by
Smeja that day that “may,” contain a significant amount of blood from the
juvenile subject shot. The boots have been in my custody since August 2011 and
are being appropriately stored until we undertake processing and should not be
considered as transient evidence (further degradation extremely unlikely).
There’s been multiple reasons and circumstances for the delay in testing them,
especially and including a significant anticipated expense, which Tyler and
myself will be absorbing personally at this point, unless circumstances change.
It should be noted that because the boots were worn several times after the
shooting, environmental contamination and mold degradation is a likely reality
that will have to be contended with by the eventual testing lab/facility. We
also believe we’re only going to get one good attempt for successful processing,
but are confident there’s a viable and realistic opportunity from a forensic
standpoint considering the leather material the boots are comprised of and the
degree of saturation (blood) described by Smeja.
In about two weeks,
we’ll receive and share a final lab report from the second North American
(Mid-West) lab I contracted which processed both the salted piece of tissue, and
another unsalted frozen piece of Sierras tissue (for second opinion
identification and comparison purposes).
I want to thank my partner,
Canadian researcher Tyler Huggins, for all his work as the diagnostic liason
with Trent University of Ontario, Canada, as you’ll see through the email
communications we'll be providing soon (current consolidation), he spent a
significant amount of time and effort doing a “yeoman’s” job quarterbacking the
communications with that institution.
It was just a matter of time, lol
You sure like to jump to wild conclusions and misrepresent things Rick.
It means that the sample submitted was that of a bear. The sample was obtained well after the alleged shooting took place.
If you're going to present the news, present it in an unbiased fashion.
You continually show yourself to be a hypocrite. You accuse others of being haters when you are a hater yourself.
Racer X
I'll have to admit, i doubted Rick Dyer and his claim, it's quite clear he was right as more pieces of the puzzle fit together!
To the idiot saying it was a bear sample, yea, no shit. That doesnt change the fact it was submitted as a Sasquatch DNA sample. the findings show it was just that, not a Sasquatch. who cares when the samples were obtained? Point is, this was submitted as Sasquatch DNA, and it wasnt. Team
Tazer is liars, proven!
Ro, Sanh, and Smeja were friends before the hoax/kill. Duuuh. The only question is how deep does this go. The report was released on Nov 15...they have been meeting with Tazer team inner circle the last few weeks...plenty of pics released..to plan damage control and how to escape from this hoax. Haha. Cutino involved ? I noticed Meldrum distanced himself as soon as he saw the fur...so he's not involved. If they choose not to test the boots then it is self-admission it is a hoax.
Racer X is Justin Smeja!
100% true statement
Racer X if you want to bash people go to bigfoot evidence. We don't like to block peoples IP but we will. I have deleted 2 of your comments!
Rick, I have not bashed anyone. Some guy calls me an idiot and you delete MY comments? That's rich.
Racer X
That's simply not true. Justin and I have completely different writing styles.
Racer X
Okay, I will rephrase what I previously said. Please present evidence or proof that Ro, Shawn and Justin knew each other before the kills story. Please present evidence to show this is a hoax.
What you are stating is your own opinion, not fact at this point in time.
Racer X
You was right Rick. Just a fucking hoax
He deleted my comments too! Rick doesn't like the truth that he was arrested tor scanning people and beating a pregnant woman's! Your a sick dude!
What does all this have to do with the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM?
Of course all those PHDs are salivating over Dyer's specimens and DNA at the *BIG UNIVERSITY* as we speak...LOL.
The sample obtained was submitted as a sample, not as a Sasquatch. This is WHY it was submitted for testing, to determine what animal it came from.
Timing of the sample collection is very relevant. This bear (now known) could have met it's demise through any number of reasons. It could have been killed by another hunter, it could have starved to death, lost a fight and died, carried there by a scavenger etc.
The fact that the sample was shown to be a bear does not make the story a hoax or fabrication.
Racer X
politely I say, Fuck Team Tazer. Fuck Ro Sahebi, Fuck faggot Rictor, and totally FUCK YOU Shawn Evidence. This whole event was fabricated by Ro Sahebi and they used Bart.
I can't wait till this all comes out.
Fuck you all!
lol. It's funny to watch racer x aka Alcorn trying
to save a dead hoax!
They said they know each other before but was not close friends! Now what Alcorn?
lol people are mad at you Rick ! Just keep reporting the truth!
The truth? Hahaha
You keep trying to guess who I am, but you are incorrect. I am not Alcorn.
I'm not trying to save anything, I'm pointing out what is widely known. If you think it's a hoax, that's your opinion.
Racer X
I'm sure Rick will delete the above comment because bashing isn't allowed here. Isn't that correct Rick?
Or are we only allowed to bash people who don't agree with the majority here?
Racer X
At this point, I agree with rick. The only evidence and twisted stories point to a hoax. The DNA result is the icing on the cake. What would be the point in submitting a known Bear sample, where is the logic in that? If the Sample came back Hybird DNA from an unknown, you can bet Team Tazer would be promoting that outcome as a victory. Since it wasnt, more backpeddling and excuses!
@Racer X, with all your comments, you havent substantiated your argument one bit.
So far I haven't see any back pedaling from anyone. The results are what they are.
Bart and Tyler aren't even part of Team Tazer so I'm unclear why Team Tazer is being brought in to this.
Ro is a film maker and remains unemotionally attached to any of this. Shawn just reports it as it is with this story. As far as I know, Justin isn't part of Team Tazer.
So where is the connection?
Racer X
My argument? What argument? Nobody here has substantiated anything at all.
All I am saying is the sample turned out to be a bear. That sample was collected at a much later date and is likely unrelated to the entire story (Sierra Kills). Many here are presuming too much.
How much clearer can I be? It's not rocket science.
Racer X
Tired of all the BS in the BF community. We're all here for the same reason, yet everyone wants to bash the other like a bunch of children. About time to grow up, wouldn't you say?
Racer x, can you provide a link showing the recent DNA sample in question was gathered at a later date? We dont care when the Analysis Lab received it, show or provide proof or link when the sample was obtained!
Racer x, Here is the report, it was two weeks after the kill which they were convinced it was the same body,seems this solves the mystery, no Sasquatch!
"Smeja and friend recovered a substantial amount of tissue with hair attached. They were very confident that characteristics of the recovered hide scrap matched the animal that Smeja shot. Smeja then submitted some of this tissue to Dr. Melba Ketchum through Derek Randles, and in a separate undertaking, provided samples to me (Tyler Huggins) and then to Bart Cutino."
Their trying the best to make u look bad Rick, but each time their the ones falling apart..... its funny how they trying to attack you...fucking creepy loosers!!! they can't stop talking about you..... they wish being like you... I call them jealous basstards!!
Im agree 200% its time to find bigfoot and not fucking personal records who cares about that.... I cares about find the truth find bigfoot..... all I see is childs being jealous, fighting for shit that nobody cares....
The author of original posting above states "tissue found almost a full 5 weeks after purported shooting"
Why would it be the responsibility of Racer X, a visitor to this site, to find you proof or a link validating the facts stated? Ask the Author.
A much more important question is this: If Rick Dyer claims to have shot and brought back a Bigfoot why has there been no evidence offered, not even a simple photo of the deceased, perhaps with a current newspaper?
Instead what we see is a stream of articles from Dyer regarding the validity of other's claims. Mr. Dyer, surely you understand why everyone is skeptical about your claims. Please focus your time on answering the questions about your own claims and stop diverting attention to others.
You must understand you lost all credibility with your previous hoax. Show us something that gives you some credibility.
Musky, here you are a few links. The quote is above the corresponding link.
"Having been an invited participant during the body recovery effort in July 2011"
"I did NOT carve any piece of meat or any part off of any animal ever"
I, Derek Randles was put in touch with the hunters about two weeks later. I interviewed them both by phone extensively, and separately. I found that their story matched perfectly with no inconsistency's. I could also tell that they were natural and not rehearsed. Consequently, I've spent many many hour talking with hunter 1 one about all aspects of the story, and I completely believe him.
"I then urged hunter 1 to return to the site and look around for any evidence from the incident. Upon returning they were greeted with roughly two feet of snow. The little one was not found. They concentrated their efforts in the area where they thought they heard the larger one go down. After digging though the snow for many hours they were able to find a piece of flesh, greasy fat and hair, but no body."
"Smeja claims to have left the site with neither a body nor physical evidence of what he had shot, but a few weeks later he was compelled to return to the site in an effort to retrieve evidence of his claims. The landscape of the site had changed appreciably due to abundant snowfall and change of season, but at the location where they felt one of the animals had expired, Smeja and friend recovered a substantial amount of tissue with hair attached. They were very confident that characteristics of the recovered hide scrap matched the animal that Smeja shot"
I think this shows that no sample was immediately taken from any body, whether it be a bear or a Bigfoot.
I hope this helps.
Racer X
I at least provided you with links. It took me awhile because I was trying my best to find neutral sources.
Racer X
Haha, Justin let his friends talk him into confessing to murder publicly so they could have a story. duuuummmbo.
Racer X, Ro, Sanh, and Justin knew each other beforehand...get it ??? duhhhhhh.
Why is Sanh,Justin,Nadia,Ro meeting last week ? They are not just internet friends...duuuhhhhh.
People meeting on the internet do in fact get together in person for a variety of reasons.
Rick Dyer met up with Tim Fasano. At one point in time they didn't know each other, but met up for one reason or another.
That's flawed logic you are using.
Racer X
who is Racer X looks like Steve, Shawn or Justin. ..... one of those 3 loosers...!!!
Hahahah now is no connection.... they are living Justin with the hoax alone.... now nobody has connection with him because Sanh is just a reporter Ro.is a film maker and Justin is not part of Team tazer Hahahaha
I'm neither one of those people. It's spelled losers by the way. Just trying to help an illiterate brother out.
You can't refute what I've said, so you resort to name calling. How intelligent of you.
Have a nice evening.
Racer X
fucking idiot... like TT, Steve Kulls and all those that can't accept the Justin hoax....
I hear and now fully confess to my part in the hoax. Please forgive me.
As a previous believer in the possibility of Sasquatch, I do hereby renounce my belief that said creature exists. My longstanding interest in this subject I am also renouncing. Why the fuck does anyone bother attempting a hoax anymore. With our advancements in science today, YOU WILL NOT BE FOUND TO BE A HOAX!!!!! What Justin, did you crave some internet attention? I AM SICKENED BY THE CONSTANT FAKE VIDEOS, PICS AND BULLSHIT DNA SAMPLES THAT YOU KNOW ARE A WASTE OF EVERYONE'S TIME AND MONEY. FUCK OFF SASQUATCH, I'M DONE WITH YOU!!!!
CORRECTION! You WILL BE found out to be a hoax.
Guess I should have proof read my text, but what the hell? I'm surrounded by people that don't check their facts anyhow.
Uncle Pauly
And another thing since I'm still sitting here pissed the hell off. When Justin claimed to never have heard of Bigfoot, other than Harry and the Henderson's, that was my huge red flag. What person living in the US, let alone a couple hours away from the reported hot spot of sightings, has not heard of the damn thing? C'mon Man!! So, in turn, this makes me believe his polygraph results are also a scam. No friggin way it's possible he had never heard of it. I guess that's why her face (examiner's)is blurred out in the video. Kiss my ass with this nonsense anymore. And screw Patterson and Gimlin!!! Although I had believed in the possibility, I never bought that one. C'mon Meldrum, give that video a rest. It's beyond fake. The musculature is a coincidence of light and shadows from a distance and what the computer program enhanced because it thought it should be there.
Uncle Pauly
So, in conclusion, all the people that were crying about how if a Squatch is seen in the wild, that it should not be shot, I respectfully disagree. BECAUSE I'M NOT PAYING ATTENTION AGAIN UNTIL A BODY IS LAID IN FRONT OF A RESPECTED SCIENTIST WHO IS BACKED BY HIS/HER COLLEAGUES!!!
I would like to give my endorsement for the public lynching and extended execution of Justin Smeja on two counts:
1. Fabricating this hoax of a story about a sasquatch encounter
2. Claiming to be a hunter when hes nothing more than a lowlife poacher
Well if they weren't connected before they sure are now.. http://www.sierrasiteproject.com/
Ro and Shawn are now team members of this BS.
Big foot does not exist! You people make me laugh.
Sadly we will never ever get to the bottom of it because there are too many people willing to create a hoax for fun or profit, it's just a shame there is no one left with any kind of integrity :(
I listened to Justin on sqatch talk and I can't believe how he lies, I'm also buddies with randy and what Justin says after randy shot the deer is a joke, there was no prints around and no rocks banging together, Justin u r Rediculios!
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