Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Check This BS post by Robert Lindsay ! Radio Show Tonight!

I will address all this BS tonight at 6pm PST  9pm  EST Plus more


This is what this vert files everything under!!
Filed under Gender Studies, Girls, Jailbait, Law, Man World, Mass Hysterias, Pedophile Mass Hysteria, Psychology, Romantic Relationships, Sex

Tricky Ricky’s arrest record, military record and other nefarious goings-on. Yes, Ricky has been arrested at least five different times. That’s really nothing in and of
itself, except that the charges were pretty significant. His wife charged him with assault and battery and claimed that he beat her up. The charges were later dropped due to some sort of agreement between the trouble. Ricky says she made up the whole thing and maybe that’s possible. On the other hand, sociopaths beat their lovers are sure as night follows day.
Ricky also ripped off a Canadian for $17,000. The man paid Rick $17,000 for two Corvettes, neither of which were delivered. Instead, Tricky Ricky took the money and ran laughing all the way to the bank. The charges were dropped when Rick agreed to deliver the two stolen Corvettes to his victim. There is also another arrest in the US about which I do not know. In addition, there are two arrests in Russia and Mexico for running police roadblocks. In both cases, Ricky came up to police roadblocks, was ordered to halt by the cops, and instead ran the roadblock. Charges were apparently dropped in both cases, but this shows poor judgement.
Sociopaths hate to follow the rules and they hate authority figures telling them what to do. This behavior shows poor judgement on Ricky’s part.
Steve Kulls has now discovered that Tricky Ricky did indeed get an honorable, not a general discharge from the US military. I wrote earlier that he got a general discharge and I would like to clarify that right now. I apologize for any misunderstanding to any scumbags who may have been offended.

Musky Allen goes to see Rick Dyer’s shot Bigfoot. The video below is a long, 1.5 hour interview with Allen about his trip to view the dead Bigfoot being kept at a secure facility near Las Vegas, Nevada. Musky sounds very convincing in this interview. Everyone is saying that Musky is lying and in on a hoax with Rick, but I do not think so. The latest charge is that the Facebook Find Bigfoot guys, who did the Musky interview, are now in on the hoax also. However, a friend of mine knows the FB/FB guys very well and he says that there is no way that they would ever be in on any kind of hoax.


Right Hand Of God said...

Lindsay at least knows you're telling the truth and take responsibility for factual errors he made. He is quite rude, though, with the judging. What running roadblocks, etc. or his amateur psychoanlyses have to do with anything, I have not a clue. The fact is, you said you were gonna find and bag a Bigfoot and you did, the rest shouldn't be of any interest to anyone, regardless.

Robert hater said...

I couldn't agree more that Bob Lindsay full of bullshit. Why he's still out o' prison's beyond me. Honestly, why doesn't this guy just fuck off an' die literally? The world's better off without him.