Kayak Expedition
8-29-15 – through 9-04-15
Northern California
Trinity/Humbolt County Area
Do not miss this exciting and unique Kayak expedition in Northern California coming in August featuring Bigfoot legends Justin Smeja and Rick Dyer. There will be no cost for participants. However, all expedition members are responsible for their own transportation, Kayak, equipment, food, and other supplies.
Be advised: This expedition will be conducted in a “living off the land” manner and is not for the physically or emotionally weak.
Justin Smeja is a star from Spike TV’s "Bigfoot Bounty" and the documentary film “Dead Bigfoot – A true Story.” He has also appeared on many other Bigfoot related television programs. Smeja is an expert outdoorsman and an avid hunter. He claims to have shot multiple Bigfoot creatures in the foothills of California’s Sierra Mountains.

Rick Dyer starred in BBC's highest rated documentary "Shooting Bigfoot" and is the creator of two international Bigfoot hoaxes. His 2008 "Bigfoot in the freezer" hoax gained international attention and in 2014 he conducted the sold out "Hank the Dead Bigfoot Tour" in which he toured the American Southwest with a Bigfoot mannequin. Dyer also claims that he shot and killed a living Bigfoot on September 6, 2012 which was the climax of the film “Shooting Bigfoot"
Kayak Expedition
8-29-15 – through 9-04-15
Northern California
Trinity/Humbolt County Area
Do not miss this exciting and unique Kayak expedition in Northern California coming in August featuring Bigfoot legends Justin Smeja and Rick Dyer. There will be no cost for participants. However, all expedition members are responsible for their own transportation, Kayak, equipment, food, and other supplies.
Be advised: This expedition will be conducted in a “living off the land” manner and is not for the physically or emotionally weak.
Justin Smeja is a star from Spike TV’s "Bigfoot Bounty" and the documentary film “Dead Bigfoot – A true Story.” He has also appeared on many other Bigfoot related television programs. Smeja is an expert outdoorsman and an avid hunter. He claims to have shot multiple Bigfoot creatures in the foothills of California’s Sierra Mountains.

Rick Dyer starred in BBC's highest rated documentary "Shooting Bigfoot" and is the creator of two international Bigfoot hoaxes. His 2008 "Bigfoot in the freezer" hoax gained international attention and in 2014 he conducted the sold out "Hank the Dead Bigfoot Tour" in which he toured the American Southwest with a Bigfoot mannequin. Dyer also claims that he shot and killed a living Bigfoot on September 6, 2012 which was the climax of the film “Shooting Bigfoot"
If you can't post something nice don't post anything. :)
hah! 2 guys who claimed to have killed bigfoots, but have no proof hah!
2 con artists and scammers
guess what?
nobody cares but you two assholes
Poor Rick has to delete all of the comments because none of them are positive. You'd think all of his followers and fans would be sticking up for him. Oh yeah, he doesn't have any, even his family avoids him.
cant wait to see ya out in the woods dyer. gonna dot your I's real purty. Wooooooo
Rick Dyer: The Infamous Lying Legend
Even though he has tricked a large portion of the community, the only people who should be upset at him are those that believed his story. Everyone else is just jealous... PERIOD!! Why would anyone even post a negative comment? It's not like any of you armchair researchers can handle a week in the deep woods. If you can handle the trip... then go with them and keep them honest. Simple as that!! Otherwise... you have nothing to say either way.
Sure Biff stand up for your new boyfriend Rick. You two can get married now.
Nice yellow teeth in that picture Rick.
We post negative comments because this POS hasn't learned his lesson yet and thinks he can keep scamming his way through life. Why would I spend a week chasing a fairytale with 2 lying sacks of shit when I can step out my door and into the wilderness of the Adirondacks to fish and hunt?
Hey Rick I thought you were such a bad ass that you did not care what anyone says or thinks about you??? So whats with the "if you cant post anything nice don't leave a comment" bull shit?????? You trying to act nice is retarded we all know what a lying scamming piece of shit with a micro penis. This is all fact so deal with it.
I delete because all are coming from one IP address... Not because it bothers me.... Your so desperate for me to acknowledge you. BAM SO I JUST DID ,I HOPE I MADE YOUR DAY...:)
My followers and fans have lives and I ask them to not engage people like you.... Sorry
Yeah Biff, go fuck yourself
Oh they have lives huh. All five of them? Get fucked you dumb shit. Even if this bullshit camping trip actually happens you two dumb fucks would be the only ones there, jerking each other off.
On a side note. You should keep making those pointless videos where you're sitting in your car and aiming the camera at the backseat so every knows you have a corvette. We're all so impressed by it
Let me get this straight Rick. You state above in your trip announcement Sea ' Bigfoot story is "true" and yet a few weeks back you stated on YouTube it was a hoax. You claim to be the only bigfoot hunter who speaks truth and yet you lie all the time based on what is best for you at the time. Wow....
Sorry meant to say Smejas story is "true". Is it true or not true. Make up your mind Rick and stick to it.
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