Frank Cali President Team Tracker |
A Message From The New President
As most of you know, Rick Dyer has stepped down as President of Team Tracker
to devote his full time to the Bigfoot body tour coming soon. I have accepted
the position as President.
This is an exciting time for everyone at Team Tracker. We are about to show
the world an actual Bigfoot body that Rick Dyer shot and killed in San Antonio,
Texas on September 6, 2012.
The body has been studied by many scientists over the past year and they
discovered this body is unknown to science. This is one of the all time
remarkable discovery's. This will knock Science and Zoological fraternity on it's
People will not longer he afraid to come forward with their sightings and
encounters for fear of being laughed at. Everything you had been told or read in the old books about Bigfoot is going to change with facts.
Rick Dyer has done what no man as ever done. He proved that the legend and myth
of Bigfoot/Sasquatch is indeed real.
A remarkable story that will be told in the world wide release of the film
"Shooting Bigfoot" that stars Rick and also Dallas & Wayne, team Tracker
members. For more informattion on what happened that incredible night go to
We are also about to release the DVD called "After The Shot." This DVD will
show you in HD quality, everything that happened after the shots were fired. You
will see the body moved to the freezer truck and transported to the location
where it has been studied this past year. This is a must see for anyone who
follows Bigfoot.
Also being released is "The Autopsy" this will show you exactly what these
beings are made of. The huge heart and organs all filmed doing this medical
first and an incredible thing to see.
Everyone that buys the two DVD's will be invited to come to Las Vegas this
December to attend the Team Tracker party. At this event you will have the once
in a lifetime chance to see the actual Bigfoot body in person.
For those who cannot attend, we will be having a Pay Per View that night.
On this first broadcast, the first of it's kind, you will also get to see "Hank"
the Bigfoot body. Click on the link below for the DVD's and Pay Per View
purchase links.
We will also be taking "Hank" on a nationwide tour and we'll be coming to your state and your town to
give all a chance to see history in the making.
This IS a very remarkable time because of a remarkable man, Rick Dyer.
Rick's name will go down in the history books as what we already call him "The
Best Bigfoot Tracker in the World. I am extremely proud to call him family.
Rick, his beautiful wife Lily and children are now a part of
my family.
As the new President, I want to kept you informed of all the exciting
events now happing on a daily basis. My team and I do a nightly show at the
moment on Youtube at 10pm eastern time - 6 pm pacific. I hope you will tune in
to get the latest news on the Bigfoot body and the team.
To order the DVD's and the Pay Per View, click on the link
uh huh...
How does it feel to con innocent, yet incredibly stupid, people out of the little money they have? I get that you and Dyer are also unsuccessful and in need. But isn't there a better way to do it then taking advantage of people who just don't know any better? There is a special place in hell for people such as you and Dyer.
So now its you have to buy BOTH DVDS? to get invited??
The sales pitch before was buying " after the shot "
lets get it together guys....
Frank - please address the above comment tonight....a few people have said the same thing
Will the PPV special feature Dyer combing Cali's mustache?
You actually purchased it? Wow...
You haven't figured out this is a scam yet?
Yet another blog proving Frank didn't make it past the 5th grade. How hard is it to use a spell-checker? Or are you too busy coming up with new ways to scam people out of their money?
Shame on you Frank for being involved with all of this. A man of your age should be setting a better example for your grandson.
This became old the second time you used it. Take the hint...thanks.
My take is that Cali is likely an old man with nothing in his life. No friends, no social life, no legitimate hobbies to speak of. So when he had the opportunity to be accepted by someone, even the likes of Dyer, he jumped at it. Now he has these delusions of grandeur. As if he is an important and integral part of something. The truth is he is just a pawn in this silly hoax. And while he likely realizes he has been had, he doesn't want to lose the only thing he has going in his sad life.
That's my read anyway.
Woahh....Sounds like someone is a little jealous of Dyer's mustache combing capabilities!
How's Rick's 21 day fat camp going? How many people ended up signing up? He guranteed this expedition was going to happen and we all know Rick never lies.
Anon 2:18, excellent insight, I agree completely.
Vegas Rob
The pitch by both Cali and Boswell to >>>
DEFER UTILITY BILLS if necessary in to pay for these DVDs is>>> PATHETIC.
Why does Boswell keep using pictures of himself that are 30 years old?
this has all been the best ever im jason from me girl is getting me the video for xmas
ireland ifrom ireland
Many Jealous people here.
Its funny how all the hate post comes back to only 1 IP address.
Now go get a proxy...
Frank has saw 2 bigfoots people. How many has you saw? So he knows Rick has a real bigfoot 110%. You all need to buy the DVD then you will know Rick have a tea-total real bigfot. Very easy to see the proof people.
Rick and his team have more supporters and believers than haters. If you follow the evidence rather than just decide something and fixate on it, then you wouldn't look as dumb as a fencepost when Hank is revealed to the world. That is a Sasquatch in the Tent Video...I would know.
You would know?? LOL. Ask Dyer why he paraded around in his SKIVVIES after he shot Hank. I mean, he said he got the blood on 'em from rolling around Hank on the tarp before loading him on the truck. Pretty strange heh? I mean he coulda at least put on his PANTS after shooting him? You would know...right?
Actually that didn`t look like a real Sasquatch. I had a close encounter with one many years ago and it was less human featured that the make up job on the guy in the tent video. I would know...you wouldn`t.
Also the so called creature in the tent video and the one in the MM movie still are completely different, regardless of what Dyer says.
I should know how Rick got blood on his undies. Truth is, he was on his period that week but he ran out of tampons because they were hanging them in all the trees to lure in the critter. Plus, his bunghole was bleeding severely from the previous nights romp with the homeless boy Jeff. This is inside information so don't tell the haters.
Stick and stones. I want to see YOU sorry face when Hank is on TV with the news conference asshole.
You don't have a freakin clue. Get a job and get off the computer. YOU get a life. Your always on line which shows anyone YOU have no friends.
Nope, sorry to busst your bubble,The Bigfoot in the tent video is the same one that was shot. I've seen it in person
Why do you waste your time on here if you think it's a scam...dude you must have better things to do?!?!
The two creatures are the same indeed. Anonymous 8:00PM, research for yourself please.
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