Saturday, December 8, 2012

We apologize to Dr.Melba Ketchem and wish her luck!

Stop! I just got off the phone with a top U.S scientist at the University of Anonymous
and She says don't prejudge the Melba's study. The fact that they reviewed it at all is a
big deal. She also says don't discount Russia because it's just as hard there. Now
unfortunately it would be impossible to say its a 100% a bigfoot without having
a body or one that's alive. Who's to say she don't ! We apologize to Dr.Melba Ketchem
and hope that she can forgive our bashing. We showed our ignorance.....Sorry

I really appreciate all of the support. Let the hecklers have their day, who cares. Our science is overkilled beyond reason. After all they accepted a new species of monkey (below) with less than 6.8 kilobases of sequence. Our mito alone is 16.5 Kb on the samples. Our nuclear is 3 genomes from three individuals and is 3 Terabytes of data and billions of bases plus a lot of other testing and disciplines. We also used blind studies. I don't care what anyone says, we have this nailed and it will come out. The journal just has to have the guts to go where no journal has gone before. I personally believe that they will do it.
About the journal, it is in review. So far no indication of rejection as they did take it. Just waiting on the reviewers.... All will reveal itself in due time.
- Dr. Melba Ketchum

She is putting her on time and money into this for the bigfoot community and people
like Merchant just can't stop putting her down. Merchants just pissed that he's not on
TV and she is...Grow up SBL...

Michael Merchant founder of Team Tazer, shares his thoughts on the recent news that Dr. Melba Ketchum's (aka Cat Vet), Bigfoot DNA paper was rejected

Now people lets ask what is Michael Merchant? 

*Water boy for the state of NH (He collects water samples for the state)
*He's biology degree was from a online school in 1995
*He's almost 60 and acts like a child...Your not hip Mike and you better
  stop before you break one!

Matthew A Johnson...........Maybe he was right!


keith ross said...

i thought somebody caught that monkey now we need to trap a sasquatch just like that monkey trap one

Anonymous said...

You did the right thing!

Anonymous said...

Way to man up Rick.
Too much bashing going on against this study.

Anonymous said...

Everyone start calling Merchant 'Water Boy'! Annoying little whiner that he is.

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear some support and critical thinking from someone!

Linda Sedlak said...

This is a nice very well thought out article that is supportive of Dr. Ketchum and her DNA project. Thank you for this update and to the "Bigfoot Evidence News Blog" for publishing it.