This proves who was/is on the Sierra "team"!! This was taken from their on site!!!!
This site 1 post was Thursday, July 26, 2012
Smeja - The hoaxer (Bear DNA) The Story Teller
Ro Saheba_ He has made the documentary of the Smeja Hoax (Big Conflict) Also
many times he has said he was just a film maker and not involved.
Sanh Evidence- The Blogger he came out to build the hoax up and never once on his blog
has said anything negative about Justin or his hoax and remember these people was all friends
before the hoax!
Bart Catino and the other guy- Brings credibility to the hoax and has many connections in the community to big names!
Steve Kulls- He investigates everything big to do with bigfoot , But he has never said one word
about this! Why? This hoax was very easy to bust, I busted this hoax days after with 2
phone calls. nothing adds up, But yet Kulls keeps his mouth closed and when I start
attacking the hoax, Kulls steps in and bashes me and releases my personal records thinking
that would get me to back off. My arrest and all charges was dropped in all three cases and
I posted them all on my website when they accrued.
Now people are behind me and they are doing everything they can to get me shut down!
They have wrote letters to Youtube, Blogger, Facebook and Blogtalkradio attempting to remove me and my show,blog and facebook! I have the support of all except Youtube because of copyrights!
This site also advertises the Documentary!
This was a smart calculated plan from the start that involves many people some
others maybe just tied up in this not knowing or do they?
Please don't take my word for it Investigate yourself!
I just put it all together for you!
Your Welcome!
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Justin Smeja |
Justin Smeja is an avid hunter and licensed guide. Now known as the infamous "shooter" in the Sierra Kills event, Justin has become an active member of the bigfooting community. Originally from Texas and now residing in Northern California, he is the co-founder of the Sierras Evidence Initiative
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Ro Sahebi |
After interviewing Justin Smeja for the movie "I Killed Bigfoot", he initiated the documented polygraph exam featured in the short film," The Examination". It was not long after when Ro began to spend time in the Sierras with Justin and Bart Cutino to continue filming and reporting on the ongoing research efforts. His background as a musician and filmmaker brings a fresh perspective to the field, delivering quality professional content rarely seen in the bigfoot community.
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Shawn Evidence |
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Bart Cutino |
Bart's primary and long term goal is aggressive pursuit emphasizing obtaining damning thermal video documentation and or forensic evidence. He considers himself a "skeptical-knower," knowing absolutely (from a personal standpoint) that these animals exist and even thrive based on his definitive field experiences throughout the last decade, but having little confidence in the current historical evidence record which possesses very questionable evidence collectively overall. He also believes that those attempting serious research should educate themselves in biology, ecology, tracking and scientific protocols to confidently and objectively evaluate and exhaust evidential claims and not concede until only one alternative is left standing. Although he considers himself "no-kill," species protection is admittedly a secondary priority because it not only conflicts and contradicts with his primary objective of discovery but will naturally be addressed at the Federal and State levels after the fact (species recognition).
While not out in the field, he enjoys lecturing locally in California on methodically breaking down common public misperceptions regarding the bigfoot subject & his personal field experiences and objectives. Bart still currently resides in Monterey with his wife Kimmy and two children, Bella and Tony. By day he's a financial advisor/estate planner with NCW Group Wealth Management in Monterey.
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Tyler Huggins |
His primary research areas include the eastern foothills of Southern Alberta’s Rocky Mountains, but he has an ongoing interest in the area surrounding the “Sierra Kills” incident since attending the body recovery efforts with Justin Smeja, Jeff Meldrum, Bart Cutino, John Myonczinski, Derek Randles et al. Tyler also has a keen interest in audio evidence attributed to this animal, since he feels it can teach us more about the animal’s behaviour than just short clips of video.
He also has no interest in profiting from his efforts, and feels the field would benefit from more altruism, transparency and cooperation.
Holy Fuck! What will they say now?
sure looks like it was all planned.
thanks Rick...... and now what they have to say about you....more lies to make U back up....? they need to be a men's and recognize they fuck up! busted again....
Yes, but what about the monkey?
Looks like you nailed it Rick Dyer
For one reason or another, I'm not permitted to comment on your Bigfoot Chicks post.
If Quantra do in fact have a live Sasquatch, doesn't this put pressure on you Rick? You claim to have a dead Bigfoot, correct?
Neither you or Quantra have provided any proof of these claims....yet. People will only remember who was first to show the world that Bigfoots exist.
You know as well as I do that the FIRST person/group will get all the fame, glory, and funding.
Has your timeline for release of proof changed now, or are you waiting this one out?
Racer X
No I would be very happy! You can't post because they blocked you Mr. Anonymous very easy to do.
This is all a ploy to put pressure on Rick Dyer to come clean and release any and all he may have, I hope it doesn't work. There is no Daisy in a Box
See this tells people with or without Fasano's new video, true or not that they (who ever they are) behind this Daisy crap have tried to put pressure on Dyer to release something. In the end they have nothing but will say "it was released back into the wild" That way not having to prove anything and putting all the pressure back on Dyer to prove his. This will drag on for 2-3 months and fight daily with any reports Dyer may have. They (whoever they are) I'm sure are thinking if he (Dyer) can do it so can we, but ours is alive.
LOL what will they say now! Bash Dyer More
I get a kick outta all this drama.
There is NO FUCKIN' BF and never will be. People pissin' and moaning over DNA...BEAR MEAT and all kinds of shit.
OK's your turn at bat..LOL.
you r fucking sick.... go find you a wife.... and leave Rick alone.... yes we r his fans but also we know the truth now and you can say anything u want.... you r just jealous hater cuz u r nobody in the bigfoot world....
you need to block him Rick!!!
this racer x is nothing more than a bitch behind anonymous gossiping about Rick personal life, who cares?? and he need go back in school to... don't know how write neither....Mr perfect!!!
To the mentally challenged who thinks there's no Bigfoot, you obviously stumbled across this post while searching for parts for your 12 volt rectum plunger. Stay within your own topic of interest, (Self Inflicted Ass Thumping,) and I know your real user name, (Hairy BrownStar) AKA. (MICHAEL MERCHANT) and im not Dyer, I'll give you a hint who I am... I Own the Store you purchased your First PRP.... now stay the hell out of this blog, its for intellectuals only... Anyway you have a Champagne Enema to finish.
Hey Rick, too let you know what a PRP is & also to tell you they come in all colors and sizes. It is a. PERSONAL RECTUM PLUNGER... Merchant prefers the (Heavy Duty Jewish Model)
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