No more will we have to endure tall tails like Smeja/Tazer Sierra Kills Hoax a
story with out
a body will be a thing of the past and the Paterson and Gimlin film will be put back in a box
and shoved back under the bed. There will be no more blobs, Less and Less hoaxes and no
need for $350k to be wasted on a blimp. People will start respecting Bigfoot Researchers
all because of the most hated man in Bigfoot Rick Dyer one Group " www.bigfoottracker.com ".
Unfortunately no one in the Bigfoot community has tracked more than Dyer. The community
has some dedicated weekend trackers like Randle, Fasano and Timber Giant but the job
just can't get done on the weekend.
As the release date gets closer you will see all the coattail riders come out of the wood works.
eg. Kulls, Merchant, and Sanh Evidence so they can take credit at the end saying they busted the
hoax or never believed it. People who don't believe this could happen just don't believe in Bigfoot at all and they are running a scam on the community. Even now all the haters are going from your a
hoaxer to murderer. It will always be something with the haters mostly jealousy.
Since 2008 the Bigfoot community has bashed me for something I did when I didn't believe in
Bigfoot any others would invite us in and show us the ropes like UFO community or the
Paranormal Community but not the Bigfoot Community if you don't kiss ass and follow
people like sheep your out. We had to learn everything on our own! So thanks for nothing!
The following is a quote from " a skeptic"
Native American Roots
The Sasquatch myth has roots in Native American mythology. This culture told stories and drew pictures of a species of creatures that were human-like, yet not entirely human.
Tales of a large man-like creature that lives a reclusive existence are prominent. Sasquatch is said to be hairy, tall and incredibly strong.
Tales of a large man-like creature that lives a reclusive existence are prominent. Sasquatch is said to be hairy, tall and incredibly strong.
Unidentified Species?
The Sasquatch myth does not refer to a solitary creature, but instead refers to a species of beings that have been sighted in a wide variety of locations.
The term "Sasquatch" is also synonymous with the terms "Bigfoot" and "Yeti." A term for a young Sasquatch is "Jacob's Creature," named after a photographer.
The term "Sasquatch" is also synonymous with the terms "Bigfoot" and "Yeti." A term for a young Sasquatch is "Jacob's Creature," named after a photographer.
Gaining Popularity
Although the Sasquatch myth has been around for many years, it wasn't until 1967 that interest in the creature exploded. A few years prior, footprints were found that purportedly belonged to Sasquatch, but in 1967 Sasquatch was supposedly caught on film.
If you have seen a grainy film rendering of Sasquatch, there is a very good chance that you have seen the famous 1967 Patterson film. This short film was a public sensation, and it's still referred to in present day as some of the best possible proof of Sasquatch's existence.
If you have seen a grainy film rendering of Sasquatch, there is a very good chance that you have seen the famous 1967 Patterson film. This short film was a public sensation, and it's still referred to in present day as some of the best possible proof of Sasquatch's existence.
The Supernatural Sasquatch Myth
While many people believe in the existence of Sasquatch, they do not all agree what Sasquatch actually is. Many different claims are made:
- Sasquatch belongs to the family of primates.
- Sasquatch comes from another planet.
- Sasquatch is a supernatural being, originating from another dimension.
Scientific Theory
While most scientists do not support the idea of the existence of Sasquatch, it is important to remember that scientists seek tangible proof. So far, there has been no evidence to prove without a doubt that Sasquatch exists.
On the other hand, there is a small group of scientists who either believe Sasquatch exists or say there is at least a probability of Sasquatch existing.
On the other hand, there is a small group of scientists who either believe Sasquatch exists or say there is at least a probability of Sasquatch existing.
A Pervasive Myth
The Sasquatch myth has stood the test of time as an intriguing story, and it remains a favorite myth despite numerous hoaxes coming to light.
Even if the existence of Sasquatch is never proven, there is an excellent chance this myth, along with other myths like The Loch Ness Monster, will be retold again and again.
Even if the existence of Sasquatch is never proven, there is an excellent chance this myth, along with other myths like The Loch Ness Monster, will be retold again and again.
You're beautiful when you're angry.
I know a lot of people are rooting for Rick on this one. People are sick of the bashing rants from people like Team Tazer and Shawn Evidence.
Ok I'm rooting for Dyer...But would never admit it.
I'm on the fence.
"Even if the existence of Sasquatch is never proven...."
You aren't backtracking I hope.
Give'm hell! I f*&$ing hate granola researchers.
Biggest set up for a hoax ever!
"Even if the existence of Sasquatch is never proven...."
There you go. No proof at all said right flat out.
I support you!
IMO the delay is completely unnecessary.
You wonder why you are hated? Read your posts objectively.
You would not be welcomed into the UFO community with open arms after hoaxing a nation... utter BS.
If your film crew did capture close range HD film of a sasquatch that would be plenty of evidence without having to shoot it.
You did have to kill it Rick. Good Job
behind you 100%
Dr. Mikoy
Ditto! Team Tazer can't handle the truth! Their media circus is ready to hit rock bottom!
Give Bobo or Jeff M a sneak preview. If they can then confirm your story then you'd get many crediblilty points in advance. Use the community to your advantage. Everyone wins.
Give Bobo or Jeff M a sneak preview. If they can then confirm your story then you'd get many crediblilty points in advance. Use the community to your advantage. Everyone wins.
Most of us know you worked long & hard in the field and got back on track with your research. We have been very entertained while watching you have fun on silly camera blogs, while still keeping it real. Looking forward to your 2013 achievements! Congrats on the new "Little Bigfoot"!
Bobo and Jeff...No thanks they didn't help us do it and sure as hell won't be involved in this. A TV actor and the blimp man...No Thanks..We have it so we have the asvantage ,.,.Don't need anyone!! thanks for your comment!
Thank You!
Point is that having a "credible" viewpoint confirming your finding may help. "Credible" from the community viewpoint. If you turn this into a us vs them thing then it may backfire on you in the public spotlight. Friends close, enemies closer thing. Good luck!
I listened to your broadcast. University confirming? Cool! Works for me.
You need to get a spell checker and a firm grip on your own story.
The attention seeking is growing yet the lack of proof remains the same.
I'm glad you had someone verify today - good strategic move!
Hey --- where'd I hear this before :)
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