Bigfoot investigators search for Sasquatch in upstate New York and Vermont
Bigfoot investigators say multiple Sasquatch sightings have been reported in Whitehall, N.Y. and Vermont.
Bigfoot sightings have long been thought to be a phenomenon regulated to the Pacific Northwest.
A group of Sasquatch investigators, however, say reports of the creature pop up on the East Coast more than one would think.
Frank Siecienski of Hubbardton, Vt., says he captured video of Bigfoot ravaging an apple orchard in his backyard in 2010.
“Both my wife and I, when we looked at it on the computer, said, ‘What in the world is that?’” said Siecienski. “Right now I have a picture that everyone is telling me – and I think it is – a female Sasquatch with its young.”
Bill Brann, director of the National Sasquatch Research Society, and others have dismissed Siecienski’s sighting, arguing that the animal is likely an owl.
“The image was close to the camera making it look larger,” Brann said. “You don’t see anything resembling a foot.”
A group of Sasquatch investigators, however, say reports of the creature pop up on the East Coast more than one would think.
Frank Siecienski of Hubbardton, Vt., says he captured video of Bigfoot ravaging an apple orchard in his backyard in 2010.
“Both my wife and I, when we looked at it on the computer, said, ‘What in the world is that?’” said Siecienski. “Right now I have a picture that everyone is telling me – and I think it is – a female Sasquatch with its young.”
Bill Brann, director of the National Sasquatch Research Society, and others have dismissed Siecienski’s sighting, arguing that the animal is likely an owl.
“The image was close to the camera making it look larger,” Brann said. “You don’t see anything resembling a foot.”
Frank Siecienski shows a picture of his backyard, before the female Sasquatch appeared, he said.
He has investigated at least 240 Bigfoot sightings in the past 40 years, many of which he believes are credible.
Brann’s most memorable investigation dates back to 1976, when two teenage boys, Marty Paddock and Paul Gosselin, saw a 7-to-8-feet tall creature stalking through a field on the outskirts of Whitehall.
The boys, who were driving home from a camping trip, also reported hearing an odd noise, a “cross between a woman screaming and a pig squealing,” Brann said.
Three different law enforcement agencies joined in the investigation, which was never able to confirm what exactly was in the field – a struggle most Sasquatch investigations face.
“People always ask, ‘How can anything this large be moving around and not be seen very often?’” Brann said. “I don’t really have a clear answer for that.”
Early this fall, New York’s chief wildlife biologist vehemently denied the existence of Bigfoot in a letter to businessman Peter Wiemer of upstate Maywood, N.Y.
“The simple truth of the matter is that there is no such animal anywhere in the world,” Gordon Batcheller wrote, according to the Houston Chronicle. “I am sorry to disappoint you.”
Brann, however, insists that the statement was “premature.”
Paul Bartholomew, author of "Monsters of North Woods," shows the Whitehall, N.Y., field where two then-teenagers say they saw Bigfoot in 1976.
As proof, he pointed to the work of Dr. Melba Ketchum, who recently completed a five-year long DNA study that she says proves “the existence of a novel hominem hybrid species,” otherwise known as Bigfoot.
“Being a scientist, I didn’t believe in these things at all,” said Ketchum. “But you know what curiosity does to the cat.”
Ketchum studied about 109 samples of purported Sasquatch DNA and from those, obtained “three whole nuclear genomes” that she says had never been seen before.
The genome sequence showed that the mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from mothers, was human, according to Ketchum. The nuclear DNA that was passed from both parents was a mix of human and “other primate species.”
“Whatever the male side is, they made it with human women,” the Texas veterinarian explained. “The resulting offspring is Sasquatch. “
She hopes that her study, which has raised eyebrows among the scientific community, will help to combat people’s skepticism and eventually, lead to the protection of the Bigfoot.
“I know they exist,” maintained Ketchum, who says she has seen two such creatures with her own eyes. “There is not a shadow of doubt.”
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