Wednesday, December 12, 2012

We was the 1st blog to support Ketchum..Now everyone is backpedaling1

Nobody wants to see Dr. Melba Ketchum fail. Some of us have been following her journey to discovery for almost 5 years now. At her highest point, she had most of the Bigfoot community's support, and few would dare to challenge or question the validity of her ongoing study. Ketchu
m received a huge influx of support from all over the world after her interview on Coast to Coast AM calling for Bigfoot enthusiasts to donate whatever form of psychical evident they have. Two years after her interview, and 100 samples later, she now holds the key to unlocking one of the world's biggest mystery, Bigfoot.
   Before our blog his site was bashing her left and right! NOW...Nobody want to see her fail~~!!


                                   Check this video out more backpedaling by Ro

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey team tazer getting together for podcast ! Actually some of the inner circle is getting together to discuss their Smeja hoax and how to deal with the fact that it has been discovered by some !