Monday, December 3, 2012

"""Breaking News"""The bigfoot tent video to be released by the BBC Minnow Films

The bigfoot tent video to be released by the BBC Minnow Films shows what happened that day and
night on September 6, 2012. Here's what we know the production company minnow films was with Dyer on a Expedition out side of San Antonio, TX when this occurred. Minnow Films has been filming with Dyer and many other Bigfoot groups all over the world for the past 4 Years including
Biscardi. Minnow Films has no comment! The name of the document is called "Of Men and Monsters".

Dyer confirmed this information and also stated there will be many jealous people trying their best to
tear this apart...The Proof doesn't lie!

In production
Of Monsters and Men
(working title)
BBC Storyville Minnow Films for BBC
A fascinating and touching portrait of men who are obsessed with monsters and their adventures to find them.

Minnow Films



Anonymous said...

FB/FB voted The Camper Video in the "Top 50 Bigfoot Videos" list at #2 behind the famous Patterson/Gimlin footage being #1. CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

Reasons why I believe that Rick Dyer was lucky enough ... 1. Lucky that he encountered an urban bigfoot, one that was accustom to cohabitating with the homeless. 2. Lucky that he was filming messages to his wife and was able to catch the bigfoot eating the ribs outside his tent aka (Tent Camper Video). 3. Lucky enough to have the Bigfoot return for seconds and the BBC professional film crew was ready to get it all on HD.

Tribeca Film Festival @ Tribeca, NY, April 17-28, 2013.

Anonymous said...

From the Minnow interview:

"The only legal issue that could possibly delay release or affect editing is not to do with any legalities from America - it is our own moral questions regarding the mental health and wellness of two of the people featured in the project. Can we show these men as they are without being seen to mock their socio-pathic tendencies? Are we encouraging delusions by featuring them? We want to create films about people of character but we must accept a responsibility toward them while doing so."

Unknown said...

Is one of those men Dyer that you're talking about? LOL

jerrylee said...

a diamond that turns back to coal never was a diamond.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to your vindication and the film, I know your Straight up telling the truth. The death of the bigfoot was necessary for the scientific community to get there scared reputations out of their ass. It was the only way to get them on board to proceed with what happens next. The study, Laws and the real kicker, the evolutionary therory of mankind. My heart hurts for the Sasquatch however, the need of the many, outweigh the need of the one. I pray and wish you all the recognition you deserve. God Bless...

Anonymous said...

where around san antonio was this footage taken? EXACT SPOT.