Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sanh Evidence should be held accountable for the Daisy Hoax!

                     Shawn Evidence should be blamed for the Daisy Hoax! 

      Sanh only reported this story to get peoples mind of his own hoax
 ( Justin Bear Meat Boy Hoax) with Ro, Justin and Kulls. He should
 be held accountable for
building up this hoax. If you
 remember the big deal they made out of their own story (Justin Bear meat Story)
 and when it was proven to be a hoax. No negative words from Tazer, Kulls
or anyone else associated
 with this Hoax!  Why????? Because they are deeply involved and just
want to make it go away!The only way to do this is build up another hoax and
right from the get go Kulls says Ed Smith is a real guy!...LOL... It's just a ploy to
 keep the hoax going and hopefully people will forget about Bear Boy!



Bo Bladen said...

Blaming Shawn, a bigfoot news blogger, for the actions of someone else just because he reported a news story? Have you lost your freaking mind? I will make this statement then: Rick Dyer should be blamed for the failure of the Ketchum study to produce any viable results because he reported on it positively just to take the heat off of himself for his current hoax. That makes as much sense as what you just stated. No wonder people hate you.

Anonymous said...

BS he's part of this whole Masquerade and should be accountable, fuck him in the ass RICK...........

Anonymous said...

just video it first so I can laugh.

Anonymous said...

Rick you really need to let go of this obsession with Shawn.You can't blame him for everything that shows up on other sites he just reports the news he finds.I think you are just pissed off that he isn't paying any attention to your latest claim.
Grow up Rick there is no big conspiracy against Rick Dyer some people just don't want to waste their time with you anymore and you can't handle that.Let the Team Tazer thing go after all you're the big man with the Bigfoot body right?

Bo Bladen said...

In Rick's twisted mind he must make Shawn and others look bad to make himself look good. Rick is doing the exact thing that he claims Shawn is doing, reporting shit about others to take the focus of of his own hoax.

Bo Bladen said...

If Rick or anyone else can show undeniable proof that Shawn or anyone else was or are involved in any type of hoax then lets see the PROOF. Rick can not show proof that Shawn or Ro or anyone else knew Justin before the Sierra incident because that proof does not exist. If it does LET'S SEE IT!

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know ignorance and compliance and rapping the shit off everybody else but never SMEGA....shows a bias to me and personal involvement.

Racer X said...

Amen to that Bo, I couldn't have said it better. Maybe Rick needs to be held accountable for the Tent Video Hoax.
This has been going on for four months without one shred of evidence being provided. "Daisy" is barely a week old, yet the story progresses quicker than Rick's "No Head Bigfoot".

Anonymous said...

haters everywhere!!! if you don't like Rick what a hell are You doing in his blog??? get over him.... fuck!!! you guys are so jealous at him!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rick you should check out Racer X's blog. You may have a good defamation of character lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

lol you believe this proven liar and utter asshole, so you are among the dumbest fucks on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Lollers @ anon 6:27.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Racer X has a crush on you Rick. Watch your six.

Anonymous said...

Good luck racer, but he gave his blessing because he is an attention whore, and admittedly so. He found an incredibly credulous audience with some of these footers and he's playing them as long as he can for some easy cash.

Anonymous said...

I believe the Sierra Kills incident to be very compelling, and highly regard it in my own opinion to be possibly true.

Rick's claim or assertion that Smeja knew Sanh and or Ro before the incident took place seems like a weak argument to me.

If I were to kill two unknown or unrecognized animals, the first person or persons I would personally call, would be to a certain degree.........someone I know.

Justin did what most of us would do, called someone who is known by him.

The steak was never reported to be from one of the bigfoots killed that day, although it was assumed to have been, the fact it came back as bear, really does not prove the story to be a hoax.

Unfortunately no one but Smeja & the "driver" will really ever know, because they left without securing a body, which is wonton waste & a shame.

Rick you have an opportunity here, ** if you are not hoaxing "again" & really did drop the big guy in his tracks with a single shot to the back of his head ** an opportunity to take the high road here and realize that their story does not matter without a body, so let it go!

Then show the world the whole tent video....

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dyer, please don't try to claim that Shawn is a hoaxer when you were obviously one in 2008!

Anonymous said...

And seriously, can't you stop obsessing over trying to make Shawn miserable?! You're a grown man, and is this the life you want to live?! I understand that you would enjoy attention, we all do, but trying to make people feel miserable is just wrong!

Anonymous said...

Shawn is a pathetic tabloid journalism worm who does nothing but copy and paste other people's articles then adds a few snide comments. Shawn went after Rick first so it seems that he is fair game.

Anonymous said...

Two wrongs don't make a right, and this behavior is doing nothing to help Ricks already self tarnished reputation. There is a point where a real man would just LET IT GO, I wish Rick would