Thursday, January 31, 2013

The new Bigfoot community is here kicking ass and taking names!

The Bigfoot Community is just a popularity contest. They consist of a couple leaders and many mindless
sheep. If you don't agree with what they say 100% that will bash you, block you and blackball you. The old Bigfoot community doesn't won't Bigfoot be discovered they just want to sit behind they're computers and talk about it.
The bigfoot Community will believe anything any story that involves Bigfoot But only if the leaders say it's ok to believe. When the hierarchy of the Bigfoot community hoaxes and Get caught doing so. They just shut up and won't talk about it anymore , it will go away quick anyone who posts blogs about it or anyone who talks about it will be blocked and blackballed From the community. They claim they hate Rick Dyer because of the 2008 hoax.......not true!!.... They hate him because he's not a mindless sheep, he can't be controlled And he is one of the founders of the new Bigfoot community.

The new Bigfoot community doesn't stand for this shit. They make up their own minds and come to their own conclusions. They don't follow anyone. When and if someone hoaxes they won't let them forget about it ,walk away from it or stop talking about it. They see right through the old Bigfoot community.


Unknown said...

That a boy Rick.Sounds like the American way ,Put a Boot in there Ass.Keep them on there toes I say.Keep it real...

Anonymous said...


I don't mean to offend you, but you need somebody to edit your posts before you publish them. This latest post had more than ten spelling mistakes and the grammar is so bad that it reads as if English were your second language.

The result of a poorly written statement is that it diminishes your credibility, as well as the impact you're trying to make.

If you like, I would be happy to edit your posts, for a while, until you find somebody that can do it full time.

Just reply to this post with yes and I'll send you an email with my contact information.


Rick Dyer said...


Send me a picture of your boobs.


Anonymous said...
