Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dahlonega Georgia is holding the Southeast's first-ever Bigfoot conference

The city of Dahlonega is holding the Southeast's first-ever Bigfoot conference.
Believers or skeptics can attend the event on Jan. 12 and 13 at the R Ranch.
The Midnight Walkers Southeastern Bigfoot Conference will
feature an interdisciplinary panel of speakers who will address Bigfoot language, field research and other topics.
In November of 2012, a team of researchers concluded that the creature may be a human relative that somehow developed around 15,000 years ago as a result of a hybrid cross between Homo sapiens with an unknown primate.
Tickets are $25 per day for adults and $15 for children 12 and under. Tickets may be purchased online at


Anonymous said...

i'm there

Anonymous said...

There is definitely an unknown reclusive mountain gorilla that is man-sized. I saw it when I was renting a Cabin in Dahlonega. Call it what you want to it's a 6 foot Gorilla that I have seen with my own eyes. Is it human, not in my opinion, but it's without a doubt a wild mountain gorilla. -Ryan Dunagan, John Megel Chevrolet.

Anonymous said...

The bigfoots in north georgia are decendents of the cherokee indians. The common misconception is that they cant talk but try their native tongue of cherokee they are a very
ancient and informative race.