........that you have a favorite celebrity (i.e., Athlete, musician, actor/actress, etc.) and you've been trying to contact them to develop a connection or friendship. You send them emails, make phone calls, etc. They ignore you and ignore you and ignore you. Eventually, you get an email back. Yay!!! Your persistence has paid off!!! They start to interact
with you at a distance. They want to make sure that you're not a psychopath. Eventually, they invite you into their home.
HOW DO YOU THINK YOU WOULD MAKE THEM FEEL IF THE MOMENT THEY LET YOU INTO THEIR HOME...... you start taking pics and video of them and attempt to collect a hair sample from them?
Geesh!!! We are NOT dealing with dumb giant mountain apes. Instead, we are dealing with Forest People. We need to treat them in their homes the way we would expect people to treat us when they enter our homes. Leave the "in your face" High Tech Equipment behind and get out there and make some friends. Go out there and just be you. Talk to them, sing out loud, laugh, play a flute, leave them food, etc. Let them know that you're a safe person to be around and that they have nothing to fear. You're not out there to try and trick them. Instead, you're out there to get to know them.
10 years of utilizing the "in your face" High Tech Equipment yielded NOTHING!!! Start asking the Researchers where's their proof. 3 years ago, I switched over to utilizing the Habituation process and the level of interactions, visuals, and even physical contact have increased exponentially. Don't sit there and criticize me and ask me where my proof is. Where's your proof? The reality is that your Research techniques are doing absolutely nothing for you. Quit asking me where's my proof. My word is my proof. I don't lie. The fact is that you're the one who doesn't have any proof in spite of all your High Tech Equipment. Yet, you choose to continue to bash your head against the proverbial pine tree. Instead of criticizing me, get out into the woods and give Habituation a try. It will pay off then you'll have your proof.
(Owner of the "Team DOUCHEBAG USA" Facebook Group)
Bobo Williams You do not have personal knowledge of these sightings, so you are not qualified to testify as to what they were
Douglas Norris @Bobo, one has to "pretend" sasquatch exists because it doesn't. "Let's pretend" applies to every scenario of sasquatch's existence other than the fact that it doesn't exist.
Bobo Williams Your words are only hearsay...unreliable secondhand testimony based on your pure speculations
Bobo Williams Douglas, people with MUCH GREATER scientific training and achievements than you have testified to the legitimacy of the scientific evidence supporting the proposition that Bigfoots exist such as castings...these castings themselves have been verified by independent forensics analysts to be from authentic inhuman sources
Douglas Norris @David, you should never ignore deny factual reality, you should always acknowledge, confront, and deal with it in a healthy way, and in the case of sasquatch you should acknowledge that it doesn't exist in 2013 North America. That is what you should do but you choose to "pretend."
Bobo Williams If scientific evidence points to the proposition that squatches likely exist, you cannot overcome this evidence wit ur words alone
Bobo Williams Umm...just walk into Dr Meldrum's lab, itz one of MANY places that hosts the hard physical tangible evidence of Bigfoots' existence
Douglas Norris Bobo is impressed with the plaster fake track casts that the snake oil salesmen has on display.
Bobo Williams He does have prints on display that have been shown to be false, but there are also other castings that were substantiated as authenticit by an independent forensics analyst, these alone are highly probative of Bigfoots' existence
Bobo Williams They were proven to have come from an inhuman AND unidentified animal source, which means its from a species that we do not know yet, in fact there are over 10 million species of animals that Science estimates conservatively that we are unaware of, it is possible that Sasquatches may be among them
Douglas Norris @Bobo, plaster tracks casts are not "highly probative" of the existence of the imaginary creature called sasquatch. The track casts are miss-identifications and hoaxes.
Bobo Williams Numerous castings and hair samples, of which several castings have been verified by independent forensics analysts to have come from an inhumane and unidentified animal species...large castings that are authenticated are highly probative of the proposition that they come from the creature we suspect as sasquatch
Douglas Norris @Bobo, provide the substantiation of the claim you are making about the casts. And no it is not possible that sasquatch exists.
Douglas Norris @Bobo, I can provide hair samples of unicorn and plaster track casts as well as scat. Care to argue they exist also?
Bobo Williams Doug, if you lack any personal knowledge or experience of these castings or sightings, you are not qualified to give competent reliable testimony regarding them. If we are to rely on words alone, I would not rely upon your words, but rather from people who have ADVANCED DEGREES & achievements in science whose opiinions are highly sought by their peers in the scientific community...people like Dr. Don Jeffrey Meldrum
Bobo Williams Yes, I will argue ONLY if your samples are authenticated by scientific and forensics evidence
Bobo Williams Until you provide me with unicorn hair that is verified by scientific and forensics experts, then you can make no comparison
Douglas Norris @Bobo, the fellow professors at Idaho St. think of Meldrum as a loon. That is how highly sought his opinion is of sasquatch in the scientific community. The only people who seek his opinion about sasquatch are the delusional loons like yourself who do not understand the world around you.
Douglas Norris @Bobo, who has "verified" sasquatch hair? Again provide substantiation of your claims? (Which you have provide zero substantiation so far).
Bobo Williams Well first of all, Meldrum also taught at the Northwestern school of medicine, and secondly, your words that his colleagues think he's a loon is once again only hearsay...unreliable secondhand testimony from an unreliable source like YOU. Who are these people who say he's a loon, do they have any prejudices or biases against Dr. Meldrum that would compel them to try to smear his reputation?
Bobo Williams Their testimony needs to be examined as well as their background to see if we can impeach their words as being highly biased and prejudicial, or influenced by sinister motivations.
Douglas Norris @Bobo, unlike you I provide substantiation of my claims about Meldrum's "peers" opinion of him, "“One could do deep-ocean research for SpongeBob SquarePants,” physics professor Douglas Wells told the LA Times. “That doesn’t make it science.” Despite intense scrutiny from his peers,..." http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/bulletin/scientist-developing-drone-to-hunt-for-8216bigfoot/4835 I suggest you learn about your hero.
The “Falcon Project” deploys a scientific approach to finding the mythical Sasquatch, but is such research legitimate science?
Douglas Norris @David, that is correct, that is how factual reality works. Obviously to a delusional person like yourself who "belives" anything is possible, anything unexplained is the result of whatever you happen to "pretend" in at the moment like the 'Bermuda Triangle,' 'thunderbirds,' 'zombies,' and 'sasquatch.'
Bobo Williams Ill read it after running gymnast session tonite, but even if itz credible, meldrum is only 1 of many scientific dynamos substabtiating the existence of Squatches
Douglas Norris @Bobo, if any other "scientific dynamo" is saying that sasquatch exists they are just as delusional as you.
Douglas Norris @David, I have seen many examples of your 'belief' already, that you continually deny and try to separate yourself from, that you once again admit to in the above statement, " I don't believe just "anything" is possiblt Douglas but I do believe there have been things that have happened and that continue to happen for which we have no good explanation for..."
Douglas Norris @David, have you ever heard of 'pirates?' It would seem possible that because no flares were seen, none were fired, which could mean that no one wanted to be found. If search and rescue is looking for someone in a certain area then it gives one time to escape to a different area. No sign of the craft or debris would mean they weren't looking in the right area. Tell me David, is there anything that you don't have an explanation for that you don't explain as the result of of an imaginary creature or paranormal activity?
Douglas Norris @David, as I said in my comment, " If search and rescue is looking for someone in a certain area then it gives one time to escape to a different area." Just because he said he was near the buoy doesn't mean he was.
Douglas Norris @David, why would you think that 'drug runners' were not common in 1967? DO you not know of the drug craze associated with the late 60's and early 70's?
Douglas Norris @David, perhaps he and his friend were in a gay relationship and wanted to escape to spend their lives together in peace? There are many possible explanations that could have happened in factual reality for this "unexplained mysterious disappearance."
Douglas Norris @David, but take note that there are more than enough 'possibilities' within the constraints of factual reality to explain what could have happened to the boat and crew. Never is there a need to reach into the realm of the paranormal or in the case of sasquatch - the 'index of imaginary creatures' to find an explanation.
Maybe better, use an e-mail address that has never been used in years and e-mail Shawn for once some imoportant bigfoot news for his blog and wait a few hours, then watch that e-mail address 'THEN' get mail-bombed.
That gook muther fucker had pray to god he never meets me.
Douglas Norris - wow that guy is still around? well track cast with dermal ridges are very good evidence and they have been found and confirmed. so :P
Are you stuck in the Vietnam war? What a racist jerk off.
Norris is just another John Scharf wannabe. I see he uses the latest buzz phrase used by skeptics.
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