Monday, January 7, 2013

Tim Fasano says all she did last night on Bigfoot Evidence News Radio is double talk!


Tim Fasano says Sharon Lee is Two Faced and a Double Talker and doesn't buy her
crocodile tears on Bigfoot Evidence News Radio Show last night. He states many of
her blog post over the years to many Internet radio shows all she can do is badmouth
and insult him. He also stated that he will release daming emails about Sharon Lee on
his Bigfoot Buster Blog soon!

We will try to get Fasano on Bigfoot Evidence News Radio Live with Lee on 01/12/2013!
The Question is will Sharon Show up?   A show that you don't want to mess!!!! If it happens


Saturday, January 5, 2013

I will drop the bomb on Sharon Lee next week

Fat ass Sharon Lee went on Steve Kulls radio show when I was new in Bigfoot and used every vile word in the book to describe me. Why? What had I done? She called me fat and much worse. All I was doing was posting YouTube videos from the woods.
This is from Melissa Hovey who defended me from this old hag.
"How often do you disagree with fellow researchers in the field of “Bigfoot Research”? If you disagreed with another researcher – even strongly, would you refer to that person as a “feminine product” that starts with a D and ends in “Bag”?
That’s exactly what Sharon Lee did last night on SquatchDetective. By Sharon’s own admission, she decided to have a few glasses of wine, prior to her appearance and boy, did she put on an appearance. In the interest of full disclosure, I did not listen to this show – I did however receive a full accounting, and what an accounting it was.
First she started out with Tim Fasano.
While I disagree with everything this man says, I would never get on a radio program, or even this blog, and use the words Sharon Lee used to describe this man. Isn’t saying, “I disagree” enough? Have we, the researchers involved in the field of research, decided saying, “I disagree” is not strong enough, that now we need to resort to profanity laced daggers to throw at people?
Have we as a community become that hateful?
Also, at one point in this Sharon discussed how she only likes researchers who display a positive attitude. Huh…. Way to be positive Sharon!! You get big thumbs up. Yes, I am being sarcastic."
Tim back here. Next week I will show the real character of this women and the many men she has been with too advance herself in Bigfoot. I mean men in the Biblical way. I won't if she calls with a long overdue apologize and explain why she did that. If she is willing to do what she should have done years ago and ask me about my research, maybe we can correct this mistake of hers. It is all up to her.




Anonymous said...

She want do that show Rick! She lets her mouth overload her ass!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Fasano stop being a pussy

Anonymous said...

She will never show up.

Anonymous said...

Hell Ya Love to hear this!

Anonymous said...

Wow Tim, you had more than your share of public blowups. I can see being hurt by this, but it was years ago.