Monday, January 7, 2013

Sharon Lee refuses to be confronted by Fasano on our live show and then calls Fasano "Fat Bastard "

Sharon Lee refuses to be confronted by Fasano on our live show and then calls Fasano "Fat Bastard "
Fasano stated that he would be glad to confront Lee on all the Lies she told on Dyer's show last
night! We see again Lee double talks and maybe she was drunk again tonight ! We will never
know but everyone now knows the real Sharon Lee now!

            (Note) Without hesitation Fasano agreed to come on the show to confront Lee.


Anonymous said...

She don't know when to quit!

Bigfoot Hunter said...
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Bigfoot Hunter said...

i calledin last night and answered your question. my question is, if you have a bigfoot body, why are you pissing around with petty shit?

Anonymous said...

I'm with Sharon on this one. It's been played out enough. It was kind of funny in the beginning, but to keep going on about it is a bit much.

Anonymous said...

If we have to wait till April to see this. I just don't understand it either

Bigfoot Hunter said...

I did not all him a fat bastard. why are you trying to stir up shit?
If you truly killed a bigfoot, that is much bigger news.

stop trying to pull me into this drama I do not want it

Bigfoot Hunter said...

i am nobody. i am a nothing in the bigfoot world why fuck with me?

Anonymous said...

Played out my ass, She's busted so now it's time to quit!
Fuck that Rick keep on

Anonymous said...

Because you are running out of fuck buddies. And your getting old, fat with leathery titties. Alopecia on your face, and fat fucking droopy eyelids to boot! Thats why you go thru so much booze, you drink in front of a mirror until you can stand what ur looking at.
You reek of desparation, dyed hair, fake smile, always changing your picture to try and appear sexy...GROSS!!!! Begging for money, begging for handouts, begging for attention, Begging for acceptance,full of hate. Bi-polar, just fat assed GROSS!!! I know I could be talking about either one, but I am talking about the forked tongue back stabber. Sharon Muffin top Lee.

Bigfoot Evidence News said...

No Phone # Sharon!

Anonymous said...

Don't be that easy on her!

Anonymous said...

Did she actually say that fat bastard is a fat bastard, is it actually on the digital recording, or are you just spreading hate based on hearsay and rumor?

Anonymous said...

You need help. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News!! Rick Dyer spelled Bastard correctly!

Anonymous said...

Rick, I have to point out what Tim Fasano just wrote on his blog. I take it this is about someone Tim had some problem with. Regardless, I think this is pretty bad and you should let him keep crap like this over there.

TG Powell and a Sick relative (we hope)

Did your stupid relative die a painful death? I can only hope. I notice in this photo you are not holding the gun, pussy. Can't wait to meet You, asshole. Your not exactly a NYT best seller are you fag?

As you say:

"Now it's true I have not been active in the publishing department for the last year and a half. I have been caring for an elderly family member suffering with extreme dementia, Alzheimer's and who is recovering from a brain tumor. Part II of the three part series is done and has been awaiting artwork copyrights. Something you will be finding out about real soon. And part III is 80% done. My book sales are great and with the invention of digital books.....I am selling 15-40 books....A WEEK!!"

3 bucks a book. Below the poverty line. Did your relative die Powell? I am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and I bet the person who wrote that is sitting in his is trailer park eating yet another pizza for breakfast and hasnt had a girlfriend since high school which was 50 years ago.

Anonymous said...

I listened again and never heard her call Tim a 'Fat Bastard'