Monday, January 7, 2013

When Stupid people get together! The Bigfoot Nuts

Jamie Schutmutt; Coalition for Reason, Science, Sanity in Bigfoot Research
One cannot overlook the coincidental nature of the "Quantra" group's claims and the claims made a couple weeks ago by Dyer concerning his "tent bigfoot" that he supposedly shot. I suspect that there is little primary or inside information regarding the Quantra claims, so as to rule out any connection between the two.
Riddle me this:...
Perhaps a hoaxer contacted a proxy whom he/she convinced that they actually have or had a BF. Maybe that is a way for the "hoaxer" to shift the negative attention to the proxy.
This is likely the way it will turn out. Just sayin....

Steve Alcorn SasquatchPoop: Jamie, I was thinking along the same lines. Not sure Rick could pull it off but perhaps one of his associates could, like maybe Biscardi.

Stefan Beaudoin: Do not worry Steve Kulls is there. Yes he good at overseeing the Hoaxes
and then when he don't get paid......He claims to bust them!


Musky Allen said...

Goes to show you how dumb people are. Kulls was part of the 2008 bigfoot hoax!

Anonymous said...

So was Rick, the perpetrator of this HOAX of a blog

Anonymous said...

Kulls Lmfao!!! Fuck them all Ricky!

Anonymous said...

That dumb ass Alcorn just wants to be someone! lmfao

Anonymous said...

And this blog is different, how?

Anonymous said...

Alcorn is an asshole, although he looks like he is just batshit insane.

Anonymous said...

Rick never denied he likes attention.

Anonymous said...

Team Tazer want to be.

Anonymous said...

Except for Rick have any of you ever spoken with this Alcorn guy? If not then how can you make that sort of claim? He may be an ass and he may be insane but my guess is that you are just talking out your ass.