Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Is there a Bigfoot or Canal Man in our area?

 The mere mention of Bigfoot can draw anywhere from skepticism to fascination and it has been that way for a long time. Bigfoot is also known by a number of other names of which includes,” Grass man” given to a creature reportedly seen in the Akron area.
There have been so many reported sightings over the last couple of centuries here in the U.S. that you have to wonder if there is any fact behind these legends? With the cable TV show called, Finding Bigfoot being so popular, there has been a lot of discussion on Bigfoot and why we cannot find him or are we not looking in all of the right places.
I want to introduce you to another creature from our own area that has a very similar description of that given to Bigfoot. The legends of this creature came about from historical events. The area between Massillon and Akron had at one time been inhabited by Native Americans. The Ohio and Erie Canal began construction in 1825. There have always been stories of huge fish that live in the undisturbed murky waters of the canal. I myself had seen a carp that was more than 4 feet long and at another time an enormous snapping turtle eating a Canadian goose.
During the construction of the Ohio and Erie Canal which was built by hand, the work was predominantly done by Irish and Chinese immigrant workers where the work was hard with low wages, but, was given with their pay a jigger of whiskey to wash away the pain.
It was at this time that the creature simply known as, “Canal Man” began to circulate along the canal. As is with Bigfoot, this creature appeared to be ape-like standing at least over 7 feet tall that seemed to prefer the water area to catch fish and trap other animals like deer when they came down to drink. It was always thought that stories like this were simply the result of the whiskey.
Note: The canal was finished in 1832 but by 1856 the train began to take over as the method to transport goods and the use of the canal declined. The great flood of 1913 wiped out what was remaining of its usefulness. The canal area remained almost undisturbed up until only about 20 years ago when concerted efforts to revitalize it began that you witnessing today. A forgotten area in our own backyard seems like a perfect place to hide taking into consideration the abundant food and water available.
 Bigfoot enthusiast takes note:
 The following was in the Repository Newspaper.
The Massillon Public Library will present “Hunting for Bigfoot in Ohio,” featuring guest presenter and longtime Bigfoot investigator Marc DeWerth. This free program will be held at the Massillon Senior Center, 39 Lincoln Way W, in Massillon from 6 to 8 p.m. Jan. 19.
This free program will focus on the rash of recent Ohio reports DeWerth has received in 2012 from Holmes, Medina, Lorain, and Coshocton Counties. He will also be showing video footage from his alleged Ohio sighting in April of 1997. He is interested in all information about any recent alleged sightings in these counties. All information will be kept confidential. Feel free to contact DeWerth with your Bigfoot related incidents at madbigfoot@aol.com.
Registration is required. For more information or to register, stop by or call the Massillon Public Library Reference Desk at 330-832-9831, ext. 312 or visit www.massillonlibrary.org.