Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kulls does the right thing! Now it's time for us to do the same!


**** Special Note****
After doing due diligence involving Mr. Dyer’s arrest record, we have determined that he was NOT convicted of any crime whatsoever, in relation to charges stemming from Arkansas, Texas or Florida. In all cases these charges were dropped, so we have in fairness removed posts of those allegations and recommend that all blogs move on and remove those topics as well.
We have also discovered that Mr. Dyer also completed his service with an Honorable Discharge from the United States Army. In that respect we thank him for his service.
In fairness it may have been a little  serendipitous of us, after all we are in America, were all information may not be complete on the web and where we believe in innocence until proven guilty in regards to criminal matters.

Till Next Time,

We only ask for the truth and it looks like Steve took the high road and we thank him for Posting the
correct info! We also have pulled our post!


Anonymous said...

Kulls vs Dyer is over.....DAM

Anonymous said...

....surprise, surprise....maybe the BF Community will start to settle down....but hey Rick, keep making videos~!

Anonymous said...

The Kulls-Dyer melee was a death match. Dyer has a vicious counter-attack but amazingly enough is a gentleman when treated fairly.

Anonymous said...

I love how the recanting statement above is so eloquently written, no obvious mis spellings. Some sweetness added into a little bit of humble pie.

Then you get to the bottom part, clearly written by Rick himself, "thinking" Steve for taking the high road.

Damn, they learn em good in Georgia public schools

Anonymous said...

Think you Rick, think you so much for posting your mis spelled words on the Internet contraption thingamajig

Anonymous said...

I still love ya Ricky, They must make fun of you for something...

Anonymous said...

same people bitch everyday but they keep coming back!

Unknown said...

You see you were right to stick to your guns buddy !!! Dyer to the end!!!!!