Saturday, January 5, 2013

All Haters stop hiding behind your PC and call in tonight on Bigfoot Evidence news radio TONIGHT!!!

Explicit #BlogTalkRadio

                                5PM PST,7PM CST 8PM EST               

Call in to speak with the host
(818) 369-1413


Anonymous said...

I believe the Sierra Kills incident to be very compelling, and highly regard it in my own opinion to be possibly true.

Rick's claim or assertion that Smeja knew Sanh and or Ro before the incident took place seems like a weak argument to me.

If I were to kill two unknown or unrecognized animals, the first person or persons I would personally call, would be to a certain degree.........someone I know.

Justin did what most of us would do, called someone who is known by him.

The steak was never reported to be from one of the bigfoots killed that day, although it was assumed to have been, the fact it came back as bear, really does not prove the story to be a hoax.

Unfortunately no one but Smeja & the "driver" will really ever know, because they left without securing a body, which is wonton waste & a shame.

Rick you have an opportunity here, ** if you are not hoaxing "again" & really did drop the big guy in his tracks with a single shot to the back of his head ** an opportunity to take the high road here and realize that their story does not matter without a body, so let it go!

Then show the world the whole tent video....

Anonymous said...

That is a very touching story. I hope your mental condition improves soon.