Friday, August 2, 2013

"Bigfoot: The Perfect Predator"

"Bigfoot: The Perfect Predator" 

By Dale Boswell
Director, Creative Services at Bigfoot tracker LLC.


A major ingredient to the survival factor. All successful creatures high on the food chain are stealthy. Lions, tigers, alligators, snakes, and so on. Other than in the movies, I don't think dinosaurs scurried around growling,  stomping thru the tree's. In the real world, and in most cases, you have to sneak up on what you plan on killing for dinner! Deer, rabbit, turkey, and other animals, that are on the menu, are stealthy in their own way. Very intent on staying alive, they remain hidden, quiet and alert,..the first sign of movement, or the crackling of underbrush, and they are gone. So, imagine how stealthy you have to be, if you are nine feet tall and weigh in at eight hundred pounds, which is the average size of your healthy Bigfoot. (Not to mention, at eight hundred pounds, they aren't missing too many meals)! Stealth has been the barrier between humans and Sasquatch for hundreds of years. They have perfected this ability so well, they can, and do live right in our own backyards. It is believed that if you are fortunate enough to see one, most likely,..he saw you first!

Tippy Toes...

According to those who study cryptozoology and field researchers, a Bigfoot has a joint close to the middle of his foot. I believe this allows them to "Tip-Toe" thru the woods with ease,  speed, and balance. Obviously, the less foot touching the ground, the quieter the steps! They also have a peculiar stride, which is also a factor in their stealth. A true Bigfoot track is, on average, four to six feet between steps, and inline, like walking a "tight rope". This inline step  would greatly decrease stumbling and making noise, while the narrow trail would be easier to navigate thru the woods.

Rock Throwing...

These creatures are very powerful, and have no problem breaking limbs, and pushing over trees when they get in a hurry! Bigfoot are known to throw rocks and pebbles at people, but, there are no documented cases, that I am aware, of actually hurting  a person. Usually, it is considered a warning that you are too close, or  maybe even invading their territory. Although, there is no evidence of Sasquatch making or using tools, (and I believe this to be "choice", as opposed to intellect), because if I were trying to hide from humans, the last thing I would do is build a fire and make a bow and arrow! But, I theorize they are very accurate in throwing rocks, and use this ability in capturing and killing prey. If you can, imagine a baseball pitcher, with the power of ten men! Deadly and accurate! There have been reports of several rocks being thrown into camp sites, landing almost on top of each other. And, even pebbles hitting the leg of a chair someone is sitting in. I would say this is accuracy! So, if a Bigfoot actually wanted to hit a person with a huge stone,.. I'm sure he could.


I also have a theory about "The Disappearing Bigfoot". A lot of witness sightings have reported," It was there one minute, and gone the next." I believe a Bigfoots vision is very sharp, and like most animals, watch their "viewers" very closely. Every move means something. For instance, notice how closely a dog watches his master? He see's,  senses, and reacts  accordingly. So therefore, the  Bigfoot knows precisely when you look away and either steps behind an object, crouches, or even possibly lies down in the brush