Thomas Berlin Caught Hoaxing!
Well, well, well, it looks like the haters are now hoaxers. We already know
about Don
Boucher’s hoaxing ways, but now we can add Thomas Berlin to the growing list
of hoaxers. Berlin posted this image of a boarding pass on Facebook claiming
that he was traveling to LAX to see the baby Bigfoot
Click here Wed site to make bogus tickets.
Berlin tries on the average of twice a week to get re-added to our Facebook pages again and again. He's like eating a bad dinner that keeps coming up hours later.
Click here Wed site to make bogus tickets.
Slime ball Thomas Berlin
tried to pass off this fake ticket, but only a child would ever fall for that.
Berlin is connected to Racer X and we know he's full of crap.
Berlin tries on the average of twice a week to get re-added to our Facebook pages again and again. He's like eating a bad dinner that keeps coming up hours later.
I hope people will see just what kind of things there Haters do and wise
up. His IQ must be lower than a parakeet .