Thursday, July 18, 2013

"A rotting 100,000 year old Gigantopithecus found in Alberta?"

                                                   (Fake Gigantopithecus body photo)
A rotting 100,000 year old Gigantopithecus found in Alberta.

Hello all.

First let me point out that on the bottom of the page on this link there is a disclaimer stating that this article is satire and only for humorous consumption.

If you look deeper into this, all gigantopithecus comparisons to sasquatch are satire and only for humorous consumption.


At an anthropologic level, the jaw bone of giganto is nearly identical to today’s gorilla. The three fontal Mandible Foramens (holes for blood vessels to pass through) are in the same place as well. The size of this jaw and it’s teeth, as with today’s gorillas, require large jaw muscles to pre-digest the vegetation diet they consume. These muscles, as with today’s gorillas, attach to a sagittal crest.


So what am I saying that relates?

Giganto was a gorilla. It was a large gorilla, but a gorilla nonetheless. Gorilla’s have “hands” for feet and have been that way for millions of years and are quadrapedal. Gorilla’s, as with gigantopithecus, were major bamboo eaters, and have been/were that way for millions of years. Another way to think of this: if you found a large cow jaw bone, would you believe that the cow was a meat-eater walking bipedally? See my point? Satire.

Where am I going with this?

Are researchers finding large gorilla footprints in the woods of N. America? No. Not even Meldrum is finding/hoarding gorilla footprints.

Bamboo consumption screams a lower metabolic rate and a sedentary lifestyle; or in other words, a slow, lazy, and dumb creature. Is this what you believe Sasquatch to be?

This in itself screams satire to every other anthropologist in the world except two—Krantz & Meldrum. They believe in the giganto theory and that giganto in a few hundred thousand years somehow evolved a “humanish” foot, shorter arms, smaller occipital bun, longer femur, bipedal hips, and a Formen Magnums (hole where the spinal chord protrudes) location under the base of the skull rather than behind it like that of a gorilla.

 That is satire.

 “Humanish” (heavily padded) feet were definitely here at 3.7 million years ago (Laetoli tracks in Tanzania), and they are unchanged all the way to Neanderthal feet at 30,000 years ago. H. habilis and H. neanderthal (which are the only fossilized feet we have) are unchanged, separated by 2.4 million years, and do not have a mid-tarsal break. To insert an evolution progression millions of years after the initial transformation is bogus or satire.

 So, this entire article is loaded with humorous satire beyond what the author was actually portraying to his readers.

 Sasquatch is a bipedal hominid that is continuing his multi-million year reign only to be confronted by “us” in the last 500 years—critically a non-faux.    –regards, Jason Judd

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