I never listen to Steve Kulls Internet radio show. For one thing I get
enough Bigfoot information each and every day. If it happens or is going to
happen, I know about it. I do know the quality of guest he has had on lately
are a total joke. A week or so ago he had on Tim Fasano. Mr. Skunk Ape is not
well liked in the Bigfoot community. The guy is full of himself as much as so
many others are. They bring nothing to the table. Tampa Tim has spent along time
in the Florida swaps looking for the Skunk Ape and has come up empty. Oh sure,
he's faked some video's and foot prints, he rides the coat tales of others. Fact
is he is a crummy "researcher" and I use the term loosely. See the blog on Tampa
Tim on the link below.
(Tim Fasano in his Tampa Tim Taxi"
Now Kulls as reached an all time low by having Don Boucher on his show. Don
Boucher? Are you kidding me? This guy better known as "Douchebag Don" is nothing
but a total bulllshitter. Did Kulls forget the fake information he put out in
regard to Rick Dyer's body? Saying that someone Boucher knew saw the body? How
about the fake picture he posted of the body. Just a few weeks ago he was lying
that he was in Vegas and setting in a car outside Rick home. He even posted a
picture of it. Guess what? that was not Rick's house. How about the video he
posted a few months ago saying he was a Rick Dyer supporter? The guy is a major trouble maker and like Fasano is on a major ego trip.
That's the funniest part of all. Garbage in, Garbage out.
Douchebag Don has nothing to offer and why anyone would even listen to this
guy makes me wonder. But then again, Charles Manson had a following. The only
thing Boucher has in common with a Bigfoot is his size, although Bigfoots are
in shape, Don wants to be the center of attention, Don likes it and he likes to bullshit everyone. This is what
people do who have failed in their private life, have no job and live in their
Mother's basement. A total looser who tries to make himself out to be something
he is not.
Continue to follow these people and they will lead you straight into the
water like the piped piper. BEWARE! These people are not your friends and will
stab you in the back when the opportunity arises.

No one gives a crap about what Douchebag Don has to say. He's a pathological
liar. You'll all find out soon if you haven't already.
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