Thursday, January 10, 2013

Dyer on Linda Newton-Perry, Bear Boy Justin Smeja and Jim LeBus


Please take this off Youtube. If you are about to make news with a bigfoot kill etc. please do a better job of being serious. Linda Newton-Perry of the online bigfoot magazine Bigfoot Ballyhoo.
Linda Newton-Perry
Linda Newton-Perry uploaded and replied to a comment from lefthendrix 17 hours ago
Rick Dyer's last Youtube video I stopped watching after the second F bomb.
I haven't a clue if it's true or not. If it is true I wish he would act a little more dignified. Thanks for the comment. Linda Newton-Perry


Anonymous said...

rock on brother! hey, sexy bigfoot tracker! gangnum style!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

lol oh linda please you just need to lighten up and remind your self of the freedom of speach act and to exercise your right to not watch if you dont like what you see!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck the BF community on FB! They will get a Big Gangnum style reality check soon!!

Anonymous said...

Bigfoot is real......Rick and Linda and Gangnum are not, repeat are not real

Anonymous said...

right on! freedom of speach! freedom from bullshit!!

Anonymous said...

Meth is a hell of drug.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not meth just being a clown and it works!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bro I needed that laugh! You're still a bad bastard however LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

one hour long version required.

Anonymous said...

A lark is a bird ...and I guess it is happy.
Is rick high? lol

Anonymous said...

You Rick have lost your mind, it very sad

Anonymous said...

I love it! keep um coming Ricky

Anonymous said...

hahaahahajaha lol dude you need to be a clown!!! that shut be ur profession!!!