Monday, July 1, 2013

"Douchebag Don Boucher Total Bull Artist"

Going back on some of this whack jobs post, we see he changes his mind far more than I imagine he would change his underwear, if it doesn't eat that too.

He's posed bullshit that he saw a photo of Hank, he went to Rick Dyer's home to 'have it out with him', etc, etc.

Donut Don is the kind of person who has no self esteem, likes to make himself important in other peoples eyes, but it backfires in his tubby face always.

No one give s crap who this blow gut is. He can't even hold a job. A man of his advanced age living in his Mother's basement...come on people..what's wrong with this situation. I call it a pathological liar, look it up on line. They live in a world of make believe and even bullshit family members, Mothers and Fathers...ANYBODY!!!

 It's time some of these other "haters" wake up and listen to whom is telling you these stories. Several people have now come forward that have seen the Bigfoot body. Are they going to lie about it? What would they have to gain? Nothing. These people are now having threats made to them by your hero Douchebag Don and many other nuts. For the under educated, a threat is an act of coercion wherein an act is proposed to elicit a negative response. It is a communicated intent to inflict harm or loss on another person.

 Wait! I hear the dinner bell Don, time for your afternoon cow, LMAO

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