We knew the Justin Smeja hoax had gotten out of control and "they"
will do just about anything and see if "they" can get away with it. Now we have
confirmed that in the Smeja movie, a faked Bigfoot sighing will try to be
passed off to the public as genuine. If the bear meat DNA wasn't enough to hang
these guys, now we have confirmed by the makeup artist himself from Los Angeles that he
was hired to do the makeup for the Smeja movie.
So far, they have gotten past some Bigfoot Boo Boo's, including Matt
Moneymaker and the BFRO who actually think that Smeja story has credence.
Somehow, we don't find that very surprising.
Ro Sahebi & Justn Smeja |
This is a documentary by Ro Sahebi, who along with Smeja concocted the
entire hoax some time ago. The Team Tazer (former name) guru Michael Merchant,
Sahebi and Smeja have knew each other longer that they want people to think. They
did not first meet when Smeja came on the scene with his hoax story of the
Bigfoots shooting in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California.
These guys have produced a video trailer to promote the movie which of
course will not be shown any theaters. We believe they want to take the
money and run before the press conference and video's come out of an authentic
Bigfoot body with the scientist statements who've been working on the body for
the past year.