By Lynk Paul - Editor Team Tracker
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Albert Ostman |
This story is one of
the most well known of all encounters to everyone long entrenched in Bigfoot
research. The purpose of this series is mainly, to enlighten people who are new
to, and interested in the subject of Bigfoot, present and future research.
They loved the sweet roots which were in season this time of year; they were very satisfying to them. They never seem to do anything without a reason, wasting no time and energy. When not foraging for food, the old folks rested while the young kids played around. He constantly wondered what they wanted with him. He could not stay there forever. Although he was never mistreated, he knew he had to make a break for it sooner or later. The old guy drew closer each day with keen interest in his snuff. The aroma from the boiling coffee he was making with breakfast was an added attraction for the old man and the boy, who had now moved just ten feet away from him.
Albert pulled out his snuff box and had a big chew. The old man grabbed it from Albert’s hand before he could put it away and emptied the contents into his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp. The events of what happened next can be best told in Albert’s own words;
“After a few minutes his eyes began to roll over in his head, he was looking straight up. I could see he was sick. Then he grabbed my coffee can that was quite cold by this time, he emptied that in his mouth, grounds and all. That did no good. He stuck his head between his legs and rolled forwards a few times away from me. Then he began to squeal like a stuck pig. I grabbed my rifle. I said to myself, This is it. If he comes for me I will shoot him plumb between his eyes. But he started for the spring, he wanted water. I packed my sleeping bag in my pack sack with the few cans I had left. The young fellow ran over to his mother. Then she began to squeal. I started for the opening in the wall — and I just made it. The old lady was right behind me. I fired one shot at the rock over her head.”
They loved the sweet roots which were in season this time of year; they were very satisfying to them. They never seem to do anything without a reason, wasting no time and energy. When not foraging for food, the old folks rested while the young kids played around. He constantly wondered what they wanted with him. He could not stay there forever. Although he was never mistreated, he knew he had to make a break for it sooner or later. The old guy drew closer each day with keen interest in his snuff. The aroma from the boiling coffee he was making with breakfast was an added attraction for the old man and the boy, who had now moved just ten feet away from him.
Albert pulled out his snuff box and had a big chew. The old man grabbed it from Albert’s hand before he could put it away and emptied the contents into his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp. The events of what happened next can be best told in Albert’s own words;
“After a few minutes his eyes began to roll over in his head, he was looking straight up. I could see he was sick. Then he grabbed my coffee can that was quite cold by this time, he emptied that in his mouth, grounds and all. That did no good. He stuck his head between his legs and rolled forwards a few times away from me. Then he began to squeal like a stuck pig. I grabbed my rifle. I said to myself, This is it. If he comes for me I will shoot him plumb between his eyes. But he started for the spring, he wanted water. I packed my sleeping bag in my pack sack with the few cans I had left. The young fellow ran over to his mother. Then she began to squeal. I started for the opening in the wall — and I just made it. The old lady was right behind me. I fired one shot at the rock over her head.”
“I guess she had never seen a rifle fired before. She turned and ran inside the wall. I injected another shell in the barrel of my rifle and started downhill, looking back over my shoulder every so often to see if they were coming. I was in a canyon, and good traveling and I made fast time. Must have made three miles in some world record time. I came to a turn in the canyon and I had the sun on my left, that meant I was going south, and the canyon turned west. I decided to climb the ridge ahead of me. I knew that I must have two mountain ridges between me and salt water and by climbing this ridge I would have a good view of this canyon, so I could see if the Sasquatch were coming after me. I had a light pack and was making good time up this hill. I stopped soon after to look back to where I came from, but nobody followed me. As I came over the ridge I could see Mt. Baker, then I knew that I was going in the right direction.”
Hungry and tired, Albert stopped to rest for a while and get something to eat. He now had the high ground and a very good vantage point to see if he was being followed. If they came after him up the steep hill, they would have to contend with a few 30-30 rounds. In his mind he thought that this was his last chance and it’s a fight to the end. After a couple hours of well needed rest, he proceeded down the mountain side. Almost near the bottom, he shot a big blue grouse and bagged it for later.
He finally made it to the bottom of the canyon and feeling a bit safe, started a fire and roasted the grouse. Tired and sore from his gruesome trek, he was on his way again, up and over the final hill which took him about eight hours. He could hear the sound of what he called a gas donkey and knew there were loggers in the vicinity. Finally catching up with them, he told them that he was a lost prospector and kept silent about his Sasquatch ordeal for fear of being considered a crazy person.
The next day, he left this camp for the salmon arm Branch of Sechelt Inlet. There, he boarded a Union boat back to Vancouver. That would be his last ever prospecting trip and his only encounter with Sasquatches. Albert said then, “I know that in 1924 there were four Sasquatches living, it might be only two now. The old man and the old lady might be dead by this time.”
So whatever you choose to believe, it’s best to be well informed before making up your minds about what is mythical and what is real and lurking right in your own neighborhood. Remember, Bigfoot does not need you to believe in them in order for them to exist. They have been doing quite well on their own for thousands of years.
What do you believe? Soon, it will be the end of the era of fear of the unknown and the beginning of the era of revelation, truth and understanding. You are about to experience a paradigm shift. Be ready!!!!!
Thank you for reading this complete series