Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"That's all, folks??"

Racer X has posted two videos that he believes expose my story as a hoax. If this is the best he has, then any doubters who watch the videos will surely start wondering if my story is true after all. Never has so much effort been made for such an insignificant result.

Sure the artists' images look different. The people describing the creature to them were not artists, and the artists haven't seen the body. Any description of one of those images could be used to describe any of the others. Morgan Matthews didn't help move the body, he watched us do it. The specific means of preserving the body have not yet been shared, so attempted descriptions by people not familiar with preservation techniques are going to sound confusing when heard by people who also are not familiar with preservation techniques.

I thank Racer X for proving that my story has been as consistent as I have been able to clearly communicate it, over and over and over again since I started recounting it last year. If you can't find a smoking gun after hearing me tell this story hundreds of times over nine months, then I suggest you sit back and wait for your mind to explode on August 15.

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