Monday, January 14, 2013

Patterson Gimlin film the result of several takes?

This vĂ­deo just surfaced on YouTube which claims the Patterson Bigfoot film may have been staged. This assertion is based on foreground objects that move when each frame is examined. This would suggest the shooter was not in the exact spot for each take. The film could have been meshed Together using the tech of the times.

Taken From Bigfoot Buster


Jim Rose said...

Okay, that "dog and cat" thing made no sense to me.

PattyPlywoodCat&Dog said...

What a hatchet job. Plywood? Then the things labeled as 'cat and dog', yes I see them but to insist they are A REAL cat and dog and they didn't react because it was a dude in a suit???? And they call believers like me loony! Lol.

PattyPlywoodCatNDog said...

Dammit Jim you stole my thunder! (and cat and dog!!!)

Anonymous said...

Didn't Roger get off of a horse while the camera was filming? This easily explains the perspective change on the "plywood".

People have for years and will continue for many more to try and prove the PG film as a hoax, each and every attempt makes it that much more rock solid for me!