By: Jason Judd - Team Tracker
Anthropological Manager
Research and Discovery
Firstly, I do understand the theory of evolution, and
I have read it, along with the hundreds of journals that suggest it’s
acceptance in the community; however, what we actually have is proof of
millions of species all living at the same respective time throughout history.
Millions still exist and millions went extinct—two are extant (supposed to be
extinct). This is not a story of “how” all the species came to be, but rather a
story of “what we actually have proof of”—millions of species.

I do accept, and agree with, natural selection, which
occurs through ecological, climatical, sustenance, predation, and/or major
extinction level events. Natural selection is an adverse genetic coding that
allows for slight mutations over hundreds of generations. Random selection,
which is argued “for” evolution is a genetic mutation that does not succumb to
the natural selection processes which occur in nature. How? DNA cannot see nature. So basically, DNA
has written into it an allowance of slight mutations that can and do support
population growth of a species—to include some sub-species mutations like
color, dental differences, growth factors, brain volume and miniscule
morphological changes that may or may not be seen. ßremember that…..
talk about the dog for a little bit. It is generally accepted by 99% of all
communities that all of the different types of dogs originated by a wolf. Subsequently,
it has evolved to all the different sub-species, right? Deeply thinking, the
dog’s evolutionary trail was intelligently intervened by……? …….us! We were
smart enough to tame the wolf and then make cuter and nicer dogs that we could
play with and love based off our imaginations and creativity and not through
natural or random processes.
Thus, allowing the acceleration of slight
mutations like color, dental differences, growth factors, brain volume and extreme
morphological changes that ARE seen. ßdoes
this sound familiar? It is, but it’s “Accelerated random selection.”
But!!!!, with intelligent intervention doing the selection from the
mutations. Do you think that a “Chihuahua” could live in the wild on its own,
survive, and sustain its sub-species? Or do you think it would “die off” and
become extinct? Would it ever have been a species even if they had millions or
hundreds of millions of years to evolve? Good questions right?
Amazingly, only
the dogs that still resemble the wolf (fox, dingo, & wolf) are the only
ones that still survive to this day in the wild…..miniscule morphological
is normal natural and random selection at work….millions of years with zero
species to species change. Only the tough that survived ecological, climatical,
sustenance, predation, major extinction events, survived; alas, the rest went extinct.
This is what we actually have fossil records of. Critters that weren’t able to
survive all of the global changes that have been proven throughout the earth’s
That is the real, actual proof. Millions of species
survived and millions of species didn’t. Those that could adapt are still here
and unchanged from their own fossil record.
Where does Bigfoot
tie into all of this? Well, scientifically, would you agree that we once had a
hairy bipedal hominid walking around sometime in history? Science has already
placed Australiopiths with hair. They also place Homo Habilis with hair. The
controversy is that H. Habilis is only 2million years old based off the oldest
fossil that they have currently found. Science has dated A.afarensis at 4
million years. Recently, according to AAAS Science, a metatarsal that is
identical to H.habilis and to Neanderthal was discovered. Because this 2”
fossil is dated at 4million years, they have agreed to place the bone on the
foot of A.afarensis.
Why? It is because of the age. In their current accepted
evo-model, H.habilis isn’t supposed to be around at 4Mya. So, A.afarensis now
has a “human looking foot.” A.afarensis
is a completely, both
transformationally and morphologically, different
critter. A.afarensis needs millions of years to “evolve” to be H. habilis.
Because the Dr. suggested A.afarensis, the paper was accepted into the
evo-model. But this metatarsal has thrown a kink into the mix. So with this
discovery, H.habilis was indeed around at 4Mya and two of them were caught
walking through Laetoli, Tanzania, Africa 3.7Mya.
So, with natural selection and random processes, we
know without a doubt that mutations like color, dental, growth, brain volume
and miniscule morphological changes that may or may not be seen can and do
occur. In several cases, many creatures have a growth hormone encoded that
allows for a larger surface area to maintain heat. Strangely enough, the same
scientific community states that Neanderthal shrank to retain body heat. Those
are two contradictory conclusions.
With Hawkes latest discovery with the
Denisovian Genome Project, it is 17% different from Neanderthal and has a DNA
trail that dates back several millions of years. Even more strange, its DNA has
a “dwarf” or shortening of size mutation. If, these beings did grow and the
Denisovian creature was dwarfed, but in comparison still larger than us, and
the existence of Meganthropus, which was a 8-9ft tall critter, why would it not
be allowable that Bigfoot be accepted as the additional hominid living with us
today? I mean, really, in the Americas, Roman rule has only been here for 500
years…..that’s not even a drop-in-the-hat compared to the existence of our
multi-million years, reigning champion, and survivor of our planet earth known
as Sasquatch—Homo Digigapilo-Americus.