no one would've ever heard of Justin Smeja ,Team Tazer ( and the rest of the thugs.
This man was the master mind of the Sierra Kills Hoax !

2. Steve Kulls loves to bash people and if he can't find any evidence to support his claim he makes it up. He will also publish your address and a picture of your home. He claims he has worked with
the police on many cases. (This was proven false.) His highest level of Law Enforcement was a job
as a wal-mart security officer.He also produces and distributes misleading information.

3.Robert Lendsey- He produces and distributes misleading information

4. Micheal Merchant the king of lies. A very harsh dictator to his followers (Sheep). If you don't
believe what he does, Your banned and blacked balled.

5.Dr. Jeff Meldrum He is highly motivated by money and could care less about Bigfoot.He also
produces and distributes misleading information.

6. Ro Sahebi - This man was a Bigfoot in the Sierra Kills Hoax.He also
produces and distributes misleading information.

7.Dr Mathew A Johnson (Dr. Douchebag) Lying confused nut-job and needs to be slapped! He also
produces and distributes misleading information

8.Tim Fasono - Two Faced, Back Stabber, Lying Pussy....FACT!He also
produces and distributes misleading information.
9. Finding Bigfoot - TV Actors. They also
produces and distributes misleading information

10.Justin Smeja - Involvement in the Sierra Kills Hoax. He also
produces and distributes misleading information.
Can't believe Loren Coleman didnt make the list. that guy is a fraud, museum of props, not a real non profit and hasnt been in the field for years. great article ripping colman a new one.
Fish eyed Phil Poling also deserves a high spot on the list. Promoted by Shawn the queer evidence, fish eyed Phil is responsible for the endless supply of para breakdown videos. Phil Poling has no knowledge of what hes doing anymore than the dbags on facebook find bigfoot. Its just another promotion that the fag known as shawn evidence to drive up youtube hits, which in turn provides sponsor money, from which all of them split. Same with Merchant, Steufert, Fasano, etc. Its all one big scam.
So much so that fat ass Steven Streufert and Fat ass fish eyed Phil Poling (before the fag known as Shawn evidence decided to promote them), complained to Shawn Evidence and presented him with an ultimatum, that if Shawn didnt delete the negative comments left about both Phil and Steven, that they would not provide him with videos, etc. Fat ass Phil and Steven both admitted to doing this in the comments sections of numerous posts, where they argued with commentors about their criticism. Of course this was before Shawn decided to start promoting these 2 clowns. Shawn, like the pussy he is, decided not only to delete 99 percent of the negative comments left about these 2 losers, but also decided that he would promote these guys to the utmost of his ability. This started the disgusting, no knowledge videos known as para breakdowns, whatever the fuck that even means.
Shawn the pussy, has done everything possible to promote youtube hits for these clowns, posting stories daily about them. Recently Shawn the pussy has decided to now promote Tim Fasano (fatsano the cab driver), to garner a proceed of his youtube hits. At one time Shawn did everything he could to show Fasano as the hoaxer he is, but now it all seems to be okay. The 2 are now working together as the conspire more videos and more hoaxes to lure in you tube hits. And the only reason that you dont see Shawn the pussy sucking up to Rick Dyer, is b/c Shawn was not allowed to be part of, or profit from the latest Rick Dyer hoax. End of story
Shawn "the pussy" evidence is solely responsible for about 95 percent of the clown scumbag piece of shit losers that are in the bigfoot world today. Its all about youtube hits, but yet these pussy's will never show their gay ass faces at any event etc. They know what would happen, they would be exposed for the scum they are.
I agree about Meldrum, as he is only in this for the money, and strongly believe he lies about alot of what he knows. Loren Coleman is also a clown in my opinion. Any man who claims to have studied bigfoot for as long as he has, and who has assembled a ton of eyewitness bigfoot accounts, like he has, who denies that the government has no knowledge of the animal, is a complete fraud. Their are near as many eyewitness acounts of things being covered up as their are bigfoot encounters, so Coleman is either lying about everything, or off his rocker.
I also agree on Robert Lindsay. at first i thought he was a half way decent queer, reporting on breaking news, but now i know better. He has shown himself to be a major supporter of Rick Dyer, and is doing all he can to spread the hoax.
Merchant doesnt even deserve mentioning. Not only is he a piece of shit, but he tries to convince people he is important by telling everyone he is a biologist. But as a college graduate with dual biology and chemistry degrees, and a phd in chemistry, i can tell you that in the science field, a "biologist" is one of the easiest degrees to get in the science field. It is very unspecific, low paying in most cases, and very easy to get degree. Im not sure that Merchant is even a biologist, and just not some dbag who has a undergrad biology degree claiming to be important. Not only that, but at one time he begged for money on youtube after a very questionable fire burned down a very questionable building.
Fasano needs nothing said about him. His pictures speak for themselves. What a bunch of losers and pussys.
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