Friday, June 28, 2013

"Doctor Zeppelin Tries To Get High"

Doctor Jeff Meldrum is still at the drawing boards with his fantasy idea of trying to locate Bigfoot by air balloon. Talk about a waste of money. Doc Zeppelin along with a group of people are trying to raise $3000,000 to get this helium filled balloon in the air. Their crazy idea is to have the balloon float over the woods and look for are hairy friend. If your looking to waste your money, this group will gladly take your donation.
Bigfoot's stay away from trail cams but these "researchers" think the creatures will not run and hide when they see this giant air balloon flying over the forest.  The entrepreneur involved with Meldrum has a company called "RATS" Remote Aerial Tripod Specialists Inc or I would call it "Reality Ain't The Subject"
Meldrum is soon to become highly discredited when his theory that Bigfoot has what he calls "The Mid-Tarsal Break"is proven to be a bunch of bull. Rick Dyer can confirm as a fact that Bigfoot does not have one. So the Doctors bogus claims will soon be proven wrong. Possibly Doctor Zeppelin will use his "experience" with feet at his local Idaho shoe store as a shoe salesman like Al Bundy. To show his disgust at Meldrum, Rick Dyer burned Meldrum's book (video on blog)
Meldrum will have better luck trying to locate Bigfoot by sending him a text message.  
                                                               Dr. Jeff Meldrum

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