Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Derek Randles supporting a known HOAX?

 From Derek Randles Website
This incident occurred in October of 2010 in Northern California.  The persons involved will be known as Hunter 1, and Hunter 2.  Hunter 1 is the shooter.  Hunter 2 was driving the vehicle.
While driving down a dirt road looking for bear, hunter 1 and hunter 2 were noticing large piles of feces along their route.  They commented on the amount they were seeing, and at the strange nature of it.  They were having a rough time figuring out what was responsible.  To big for Cougar, and didn't appear to be bear.  It is important to note that they were hunting at considerable elevation.  It's also important to note that they were
legally hunting, with appropriate bear tags in a legal hunting area.
As the truck came around a corner they both noticed a large hair covered figure standing approx 80 to 100 yards in a meadow off to the side of the road.  ( On the Bigfoot forum I previously said it was off to the left, that was my mistake, it was actually off to the right of the road.)  The figure was standing on two legs with it's arms above it's head.  It took roughly eight to ten steps toward the vehicle.  The arms were moving a little either because it was walking, or it was intentionally swaying them.  It was dirty grey in color with some black mixed in.  The figure was very large.  Hunter 1 decided it had to be a bear.  It was completely hair covered, and from that distance good definition was impossible.  Hunter 1 got out of the truck and leaned against the door aiming his riffle at the figure.  He does admit that it looked strange but in his mind it had to be a bear.  He did not believe in Bigfoot at that time.  Hunter 2 was now looking at the figure and said " I'm not sure that's a bear".  The shot was fired hitting it's mark in the chest region.  The figure went down.  It got back up immediately and started running on two legs, and then on all fours.  It went from two legs to four legs a couple of times before it left view.  A short time later they were very sure they heard it crash into the brush, although they never did confirm this.  They couldn't believe what they were seeing.
They exited the truck and started across the meadow still wondering what just happened.  When they reached the spot where it was standing they noticed movement in the nearby brush.  Two smaller figures appeared from the brush and started circling around their position.  The smaller ones were totally hair covered, but were much more black in color.  They would go back and forth from two legs to four.  They were exhibiting some type of chatter back and forth to each other.  Hunter 1 and Hunter 2 described them as a cross between a gorilla and a bear.  They said that they had very large heads, almost too big for their bodies.  They also stated that the little ones had a much flatter face than a bear.  They spent as much time on two legs as they did on four.  The smaller figures began getting closer and closer, at on point, just a few yards.  One of them climbed up a small outcrop above hunter 1.  Hunter 1 started to get the feeling he might be attacked.  He made a quick decision, turned and fired.  The figure went down and rolled right down to Hunter 1's location.  He lifted it up, and then placed it in the brush.  They then decided that they needed to leave, now.
I, Derek Randles was put in touch with the hunters about two weeks later.  I interviewed them both by phone extensively, and separately.  I found that their story matched perfectly with no inconsistency's.  I could also tell that they were natural and not rehearsed.  Consequently, I've spent many many hour talking with hunter 1 one about all aspects of the story, and I completely believe him.
I then urged hunter 1 to return to the site and look around for any evidence from the incident.  Upon returning they were greeted with roughly two feet of snow.  The little one was not found.  They concentrated their efforts in the area where they thought they heard the larger one go down.  After digging though the snow for many hours they were able to find a piece of flesh, greasy fat and hair, but no body.  The flesh and hair matched the color of the larger one exactly.  White gray hair with some black in it.
I then asked him to forward a small piece of the flesh to Dr. Ketchum to have it analyzed for the current DNA study she's involved in.  I cannot speak to the results at this time due to an NDA I've signed, but I will say that I 100% believe the story.  Read into that what you will.
The site has been under snow since last November.  Further study of the site is ongoing.  To date, no bodies have been recovered or found.  If and when a body or remains is discovered, the appropriate authority's will be notified.
The Olympic Project and Dr. Melba Ketchum do not advocate or condone the killing of a Sasquatch to advance science.  That being said, if this sample can help with species verification and protection, then some good can come from a unfortunate incident.  It's also important to note that this is but one of over a hundred samples the Olympic Project has contributed to this study. 
Updates on this story will be available on this web site, and the story in it's entirety will be told by Hunter 1 when the time is right.
Thank You,
Derek Randles.  
Derek Randles supporting a known HOAX?


Anonymous said...

This has been out there for a long time. I thought this was one of Rick's respected persons. It seems he flips flops a lot.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's a known hoax. At least no one has presented any evidence. True, it's doubtful but saying it doesn't make it a hoax.

Anonymous said...

Rick, you really should learn how to put together a post. You copy a long excerpt from Derek Randle's site but you only add ONE line of your own written material. That's lazy.
A known hoax? Where is your evidence or literary comments to show us all it's a hoax? Stick you your day job, whatever that might be.

Anonymous said...

Derek is an eloquent researcher who covers all the bases. Brilliant actually ... everyone trusts him, but keeps a distinctive but intangible quality that seems to surround his reputation in the BF community. It's all about being numero uno Randle.

Anonymous said...

It seems he's tired of the hoaxing!

Anonymous said...

Derek is a fucking hoaxer if he supports this story.

Anonymous said...

Well I geuss Randles won't be seeing the body.You wouldn't back out on the deal with Musky would you Rick?

Anonymous said...

Rick, clearly this is possibly a hoax. I think it's important to your self image to look in the mirror and repeat the following:

I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me.

After you've done this, stop to ponder the meaning of life, and think about the Sierra kills story. Does this story, and without a body or two, that's all it is....does it benefit me (you Rick) in anyway to keep telling the world that it is a hoax, when I have no proof to show it is a hoax, and they have no proof to show it is truth?

Since you obviously are claiming to have killed one yourself, and thus are going to win the race to prove bigfoot is real, why would you continue and continue to promote the Sierra kills story? Ever hear of the saying, any publicity is good publicity? Why would you continue to promote the, good or bad?

Anonymous said...

The 'steak' turned out to be bear meat so yeah it's a hoax! I cannot believe that members of Tazer are working with Justin on this. They continue to bullshit their minions in their cult that this might be real. I had to leave their group online because they are just hoaxers.

Anonymous said...

Now that it turned out to be bear meat they have their cult clinging to some supposed thermal activity in that area lol Like that proves anything! So sad.

Anonymous said...

The steak that was collected a long time after the incident occurred was not bigfoot, and they never said it was anything more than suspected bigfoot. How was the sample, possibly samples collected? Did they collect the evidence using proper scientific methods, probably not.

The fact that it came back as bear DNA does not prove anything. The fact that they came clean with the results speaks volumes about their character.

The ONLY FACT is that it cannot be proven true or hoax, it is a story, nothing more and nothing less.

Of more importance and significance is that Ricky boy claims to have hard real evidence and indisputable proof of the existence of bigfoot. If he is not lying, and clearly he knows the Sierra STORY cannot be proven true, why in hell does HE keep bringing it up?

No one else is talking about it. It is just Rick Dyer. What is his motive?