Thursday, September 13, 2018

Amiri King On Top Of The World King Of Car Comedy

                        Amiri King

Amiri King, a comedian and self-admitted ex-con, takes a few minutes to discuss the anti-police movement and why he thinks it’s ridiculous.

Who Is Amiri King?

(image source; Facebook/Amiri King)
Amiri King is a comedian, film-maker, and ex-con. King started living on the streets at age 11 and was charged with armed robbery for stealing $150,000 by

the age of 16. He was in and out of prison until the age of 21 when he found himself homeless again.
Eventually King found a job as a bell boy. He was moving the luggage for a wealthy guest when he was given the best advice of his life: “Don’t ever wait for your boat to come in, because it’s never coming. You better swim out there and get it.”
King took those words to heart and decided he wanted to make movies. In 2002 he borrowed money for a computer and started his own media company out of his home where he ran an oil change service.
He has currently made over 300 videos, songs, and documentaries.
(story source; Amiri King)

Here are a couple more offensive videos by Amiri King, if you’re into that sort of thing.

How Ford Owners Fight

Why Freightliner Is Better Than Peterbilt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the heck