Everyone has seen this tape shot in 1967. If you haven’t, watch it right here. These images have become the staple for both Bigfoot believers and skeptics. Some say this is obviously a man in a suit. Others respond with the odd stride the creature has and how it can’t be replicated by a human. Without this tape, believers wouldn’t have much to stand on, so they’ll defend it to the death. Here are the facts about this tape and why it is nothing more than a hoax…
This video was shot with a 3 speed camera; this means that the film could be ran through the aperture at 3 different speeds and nobody knows what speed it actually was on at the time. Have you ever seen an old black and white movie from the 1920’s where it looks like everyone is moving faster than a cocaine taste tester? That’s because the
film is run through the camera at a slower rate. You know the vidoes where you can see bullets moving in slow motion? That’s because film is moving faster. This should explain the awkward speed of the creature and the reason that nobody can replicate the stride in real time.
film is run through the camera at a slower rate. You know the vidoes where you can see bullets moving in slow motion? That’s because film is moving faster. This should explain the awkward speed of the creature and the reason that nobody can replicate the stride in real time.

Roger Patterson was also trying to sell a Bigfoot movie to Hollywood, and they weren’t biting. He also had a habit of not paying back loans. This coincides with Bob’s statement that had Roger paid him the $1,000 he was owed for walking around in a hot suit on a hot day, he wouldn’t have come clean about it. Still don’t believe me? How about this – Bluff Creek is extremely close to Ray Wallace’s construction sites, and what are the chances that you’re going to come across a Bigfoot in ideal conditions in an ideal place in ideal lighting while coincidentally trying to film a documentary about Bigfoot for Hollywood? I’ll go fishing with my dog’s morning-turds before I believe that.
Sorry Bigfoot people but your golden arch Bigfoot Film is a pile of shit!....A funny pile of shit..:)
Sorry Bigfoot people but your golden arch Bigfoot Film is a pile of shit!....A funny pile of shit..:)
Why don't you tell me how you really feel. This site is only advertise on my pages! if you don't like it stay off my pages...wait a minute you do like it. Good morning and God bless
Go fuck yourself Jeremy Demers!
What has this man done to you Jeremy? Why do you have to come on his page and bash him? It's people like you that the world can do better without. You are the sad piece of crap! You obviously are the one who insists on talking about Mr. Dyer to give your own life purpose... You are a bully and should just slither away like the shit snake you are...
I agree with "Mr. Anonymous #1 "Go fuck yourself"!!
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones..... Repent and truly follow Gods word or face the fires of hell.
Wow , Don't know how you measure failure. LOL But my life is good. Worry for nothing :). GOD has been good to me. I will pray for you and hope you find the peace your looking for. GOD BLESS
False words repent or face the fires of hell.
Looks like you're going to have to disable comments again, fat boy ;)
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