Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"More Bigfoot Hoaxing"

This weeks best laugh comes from a blog based in New York state's Hudson Valley. They are  posting clearly fake videos of Bigfoot in that area.

The costumes are so bad its truly laughable. They even shake the camera to be the typical "on the screen" action. They have uploaded an alleged video of the Big guy taken in the area. Anyone with eyes can see these are hoaxed by the site. In one video you can see the creature wearing some kind of shoes, possibly boots. Unless I'm missing something, Bigfoot has never been seen in a shoe store. Maybe he buys direct from ebay or Amazon.com and has shoes shipped to the woods?

My 9 year old son could do a better job of doing these kinds of videos. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can see his shoes!