Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Once again, the account I have given since September 2012 has been proven to be true.

Once again, the account I have given since September 2012 has been proven to be true. "Shooting Bigfoot" ends with me shooting a Bigfoot just as I had said. The haters may not like the fact that he didn't introduce himself and do a song-and-dance for them, but even that wouldn't have satisfied them tonight.

"Shooting Bigfoot" was never a film whose content was controlled by Rick Dyer. I did not have any contractual right to review the film before it was released. The fact that I expected the footage would add further credibility to my account does not change the account itself.

This film shows the best footage ever released of a real Sasquatch. On a 50-foot movie screen the sharpness won't be the same as what you're used to seeing on a YouTube window.

When the body is released on August 15th, my redemption will have been even greater for the enduring hatred that my supporters and I continue to suffer. I cannot wait to see this film myself.

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