Thursday, March 7, 2013

Breaking News!!! Rick Dyer Arrested For Killing Bigfoot!!!

                                              Rick Dyer Arrested For Killing Bigfoot!!!


Anonymous said...

I'll post bail if help is needed. Please let me know where he's being held. I can be there in 2 hours.

Roger Hill said...

No worries Rick. It is well known in the legal community that gaining a conviction is very difficult without a body.
But then again, maybe you are in trouble come sometime in the 'who knows when' and 'not too distant' future.
Personally, I have no dog in this fight. I happened on all this hubbub completely by accident, but keep looking deeper into it because I find the subject matter (a.k.a., does Sasquatch actually exist, and subsequently, what is the evidence) interesting. If nothing else, it is a wonderfully entertaining exploration of human nature. With all the intrigue, back stabbing and in-fighting amongst those who either are true believers, or act like true believers for the sake of an easy buck, it appears human beings are as interesting as ever, while Sasquatch remain cloaked in the unknown and unknowable.

Here is my take on the matter after reading your posts here, hearing interviews with others and reading other 'Bigfoot' blogs and such..... (not that my take means anything)

If this is a hoax, you are an actor worthy of an Academy Award... and so is Musky Allen (and especially Musky Allen, or whatever his name actually is). Furthermore, if this is a scam, it is one you must have been planning for years. To be frank, you strike me as kind of a jerk, but a blunt and no B.S. jerk. While your attackers (for the most part) strike me as either aloof, or very bad actors in a melodrama (specifically referring to those who call themselves 'Team Tazer').

As skeptical as I am (I can usually sniff out a liar in no time flat), I am leaning towards not only the existence of a bi-pedal hominid species (Yes, Sasquatch), but that there is one on ice somewhere in the lower 48 with a bullet hole in it. I am looking forward to the release of the film. Then I will either have a big laugh at my own expense, or be fascinated all the more by both human nature, and this thing called 'Bigfoot'.

Unknown said...

30 days in the hole: by humble pie
rock on

Anonymous said...

Really, can't be arrested for something that never happened.