Sunday, July 14, 2013

"Bigfoot Freaks Unite!" (Re-post)

                      (Artist depiction of Rick Dyer and "Hank" on the fateful night of September 6, 2012)

By Alexes Pereira Team Tracker Member

We find that even if we would like to, we cannot escape the spell of Bigfoot. We are forever haunted by this enigma to the point of obsession. We have to wonder: are we the hunter or the hunted?

It is 2013 and we have all of these currents and streams colliding and carrying Bigfoot research to a new era of knowledge. Foremost we have the Dyer Bigfoot Discovery and concurrent scientific studies and research simultaneously beckoning us. It is no coincidence that all of this is happening now and that you, (hello fellow freak), are strangely fixated on the Rick Dyer Story, just as you were first led to Bigfoot.

People come together in times of change to usher in a new dawn and to be the first to rejoice in a momentous occasion. On some unconscious level even the “haters” are helping to bring forth this awakening to the planet.( I can only imagine the eye-rolling groans of denial here, but it is true.) It is a time to unite and honor Rick Dyer, Bigfoot, and the community work and prepare for the Global Paradigm Shift.

Rick has admitted that before he shot the San Antonio Bigfoot, he was feeling defeated and bummed out, so he sent up a prayer and released it to the universe, and his prayer was answered resoundingly.

How and why did Dyer, one out of countless hunters before him, track this mysterious creature? The Bigfoot walk like spirits of the forest amongst us; forever hidden .The harder we pursue them the more they elude us. And the trickier it gets!

The lesson of The San Antonio Bigfoot is mirrored in our impatient and irritable wait for evidence, our relentless digestion of videos and internet chatter. We must have fortitude, patience and let go of expectation when seeking this mythic creature. And we must be guided by instinct.

When Rick combined his skills with his intuition and sent out a prayer just as he was losing hope, a tiny bubble of hope remained in him. Enough to bring him to the precise moment where his world was rocked and his axis shifted. This is important; this seemingly lucky synchronicity may not make sense until much later on. In our hindsight we may have some insight.

The discovery of Bigfoot is a cataclysmic event and it has affected Rick and everyone close to him. Rick Dyer exists in the center of this storm, this shifting consciousness, and as we draw closer to the big day we find we are drawn towards that turbulent center as well.

Rick has been able to handle being in the center as he has been toughened by his years as the Pariah of the Bigfoot Community. Most of us could not and would not have forged this path or remained in the center; we would have bailed and sent out an S.O.S. to our mommies.

I truly believe that based on Rick Dyer’s particular path, his particular gifts and flaws, he was the perfect catalyst to bring forth this discovery.

The Bigfoot community is operating in anger birthed from fear. But we have no control of “current” events, just as we have no control of the Bigfoot and just as Rick Dyer had no control of his immense experience.

We can only surrender and smile at our foibles, anticipating the unfolding of this epic drama. We are all freaks and geeks here, it is time to embrace our own uniqueness and honor the quirkiness of others and it time to let go. My wish, idealist that I am, is that the judges, police and lawyers in the Bigfoot community all take a break from the strife. And that we all cease to cause harm to others.

We are all pieces of the puzzle and we can find a way to fit together and stick together, yes, even with our jagged edges!

We can surrender and to surrender is to have the strength to Give in-wards, not give up
Let go of expectation, of our demands, let go and just ride the waves eyeing the horizon and enjoying our trip.

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