Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"A Hero Unto Himself"

                                                   ("Oh and I'm going to kick Rick Dyer's ass too")


By Link Paul Team Tracker Member

The super stupid and idiotic self appointed hero to himself and God knows who, has once again made the news. Don Dumb Doucherbag, a coward and sissy by nature, prances about in diapers and tights (a sight to sore one’s eyes), seeking fame, fortune and friends that will never be; not being able to fly but riding on the coat tails of Rick Dyer and Team Tracker. He is also an extreme attention whore and is probably having an orgasmic experience while reading this. It is however, not my intention to give him any credence but to expose him (unfortunately for all) for what he really is. (this section was censored)

Most of all, a contradiction to one of his loved quotes; “Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity (front row seats in his case). Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence.” (seems to be in a hurry to get there). Or maybe he misread this one; “High moral character is not a precondition for great moral accomplishments. or this one which applies to him directly; “I don't consider myself to be that credulous.Or if he had an ounce of intelligence, would have taken this advice; “ I worked out early on to give up things I couldn't do well at all.” – all quotes by Christopher Hitchens


You guys know I could do this all day long; but I have real work to do of gigantic proportions. (yes, pun intentionally intended)

I must admit, I do feel pity for him at times; he was once someone’s baby, now De-evolved into the abomination we know today. His super powers; the ability to make you believe that his level of stupidity CAN exist and occasionally flashing you birds over the Internet. Beware, all those who are weak and succumb to his power (no one, I would have guessed). If anyone claims to be friends with this creature, you are already lost.

He claimed to have been to Rick Dyer’s house and even posted the fake pictures to prove it. I assure you all; he would first have to leave the sanctity that is his crypt to do so. I also guarantee, if he did knock on the door of Rick Dyer, looking for a fight and to defend the honor of his sea fairing mammalian friend, he would not be around to post about it. He is into fantasies big time.

                                                    (Don, waiting for a taxi to go kick Rick's ass.)

In our effort to assist this “hater hero” to put his powers to more appropriate use, we have found him a potential mate and are making arrangements for their upcoming nuptials. The candidate selected, is none other than his long lost love, Randy Fillipovic, better known to the hater world as Racer X. Fortunately for them, some states do allow that sort of thing.

(Desperate to be someone, he photo-shopped himself in with Stan Lee. His brain is as small as his head. )
So Dummy, go back to your slime filled layer and live happily ever after, with your new bride (ughhhk). You will never survive the constant ass kicking (although a good workout for us) form the likes of us, of which; you are in no league with.

In the words of M.K. Davis –“ I thank you for your time.”


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